a of Zhonghai, this place was once an old concession. On the narrow streets, the branches of the camphor trees have all fallen, and the mottled traces of time are visible everywhere. 。From a doorway,...Lu Zhixing immediately replied, “Yes, Secretary!” The Organization Department of the Provincial Committee followed the procedure quickly. Three days later, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee passed the list of 24 candidates recommended by public election. 。Then, it is the usual public announcement for 7 days. 。
As soon as the formula ended, he immediately took office. 。After the spring rain yesterday, the weather cleared up today. 。The Provincial Committee Organization Department has notified Xiao Jingyu that she will be sent to the city to report soon. The municipal committee and municipal government will hold a meeting to welcome Xiao Jingyu to the leadership team. 。After hanging up the phone, Xiao Jingyu temporarily put aside his work at hand. Accompanied by Li Haiyan, he came to the back of the county committee building. There was a small stream there, flowing through the back half of the courtyard's gentle slope. Several peach blossoms had already bloomed by the stream, and several wild ducks were frolicking on the riverbank. Suddenly, Xiao Jingyu felt the sense of "Spring River Warmth Ducks Know First"heng, but several policemen beside them immediately pounced on them and, after a flurry of punches and kicks, subdued the pair!Three more people left the crowd and ran toward the road. 。Then, Zhan Bin...