On the plastic whiteboard, three lines of regular script characters, each stroke precise and meticulous, were as standard as printed text. The four characters "College Entrance Exam," "Ideal" stood out larger than the rest, adding a touch of life and interest to the otherwise rigid layout.,That hand, if it starred in a hand cream commercial, would surely attract a horde of fans with hand fetishism. Just looking at it makes you want to be the cloth in its palm, held by such delicate and beautiful hands. It must be incredibly blissful.,Yue Yun and Li Daniu met not because they were from the same hometown. After all, there are many hometowns in the county town, and it's unlikely that everyone would become friends, let alone close friends. The reason why an elder and a younger person became acquainted was purely due to a chance encounter on public transportation. A pickpocket had tried to take advantage of an elderly person because of their age, but Yue Yun bravely intervened. It was after this incident that the two, young and old, got to know each other.。