Ji Jingyuan spread his hands and let Cody sister help him organize his clothes and collar. After glancing at Wu Shixun who was feeling sore in the back through the mirror, he calmly stated the facts: "But if this happens every time, then maybe it's a problem with people.",There was only one performance left, and they didn't have time to change clothes. They waited at the entrance in their cosplay outfits. At this time, all the other performers began to gather here, and soon the entire studio entrance was crowded. All the idols stood against the walls on both sides, leaving a passage in the middle, whispering to each other and preparing for their final farewell.,Originally, many members of EXO liked to snack. Everyone would buy some for themselves, but for some reason, fewer people started buying snacks as time went on. Everyone tacitly agreed to mooch off of Park Ji-seong instead, going to him every other day to grab a bite. It's become a habit now.。