"It's also a karmic bond, as what we did that day has brought about the consequences today. When we expelled the Jinzhulan from the ancient city, the Ghost Mantis Falcon-mouthed Monster clan managed to infiltrate the city through their offspring.",The Golden Capital swayed, outside teeming with Ghost Mantises and Mouth-of-the-Monster creatures. Let's not talk about whether they could even break out; even if they did, under the eerie aura of the Extinction Dharma Pool, it would be difficult to survive for long. Their situation was somewhat similar to that of the Kongying clan. Although some dragons who had reached the Daluo Jinxian or Yuanshen level lived generations in the Extinction Dharma Pool, they already had resistance to the deadly and decaying aura of the pool. But low-ranking clansmen who went out for too long lost the protection of the pills and would undoubtedly die.,When facing a situation alone, the Mantis Master doesn't have much confidence. He still needs his trusted assistant, Old Mantis, in crucial moments.。