ly and in pauses.He Ya cried, gritting her teeth."Granddaughter, I'm sorry Grandma. I apologize to you and beg for your forgiveness..."As they spoke, her head bumped heavily against the floor again. I...“My son…” Lin Meng lowered her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. Then, one tear followed another, unstoppable. She thought of the little boy who had once lain motionless, his face pale, a tiny, soft bundle. Her heart truly ached; even now, just thinking about it, she felt a sharp pang.

He is now lying in a hospital bed, do you know why!

The reporters shook their heads, but their eyes were fixed on Lin Meng. At the same time, flashlights began to flicker. The video camera that had been switched on that morning moved silently, without stopping.

"My son was poisoned, his condition was once very critical. If it wasn't for a stroke of luck, there happened to be an old Chinese doctor passing by at that time, now he might have already been..."

Lin Meng covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

What she left unsaid, everyone understood implicitly. For a moment, there was a wave of sympathy sweeping through the room. A beautiful woman weeping, how could anyone remain unaffected Especially when a young life was involved!

“My son was finally rescued, and as a mother, I would want to be by my baby's bedside all the time. But why am I standing here now, confronting Zoe In my heart, how could Zoe possibly compare to my son! I'm standing here, just like that reporter said earlier, being heartless towards Zoe, because my son is in this state, all thanks to her!”


Everyone was stunned into silence!

“I can't take it anymore! A murderer, and you want me to sympathize with him Anyone here who has children, please put yourselves in my shoes! Think about what I'm going through. My son went through that, and if I don't do something, I don't deserve to be a mother, I don't even deserve to be human!”

Wiping away the wet streaks of tears from her face with a heavy hand, Lin Meng stared at the camera and whispered softly.

"Sorry, I have to go to the hospital with my son now. Please let him through."

With tears staining her face, a vulnerable expression appeared on that determined little face. For some reason, it inspired awe. As one journalist stepped aside willingly, the others followed suit.

Lin Meng whispered a "thank you," lowered her head, and silently left in the midst of sadness, her long hair partially covering her face.

As the person walked away, a sigh rippled through the crowd of reporters. Everyone turned to see who had sighed, but when their eyes met, they all inexplicably rubbed their noses and suddenly felt a little guilty!

Zuo Yiyi's child was gone. After the anesthesia wore off, she learned the truth and acted absolutely crazy (...tw). She cursed Lin Meng, cursing her viciously. It was hard to believe that such an elegant face would utter such venomous words. When she finally ran out of breath and stopped cursing, she realized something was wrong.

This ward was crude and simple, completely unlike the one she had lived in before. It was just an ordinary, plain ward. And the bodyguards who had surrounded her before seemed to have vanished into thin air, leaving only one behind.

"Where are they!" she asked sharply.

"Something came up, I had to be called back!" The bodyguard replied sparingly.

Zhuo Yiy suddenly remembered her now empty stomach and felt a chill run down her spine. She roared, "Bring them back! You bring them back! They are here to protect me, they cannot leave, they cannot leave!"

The bodyguard looked at her coldly, his face showing no emotion. "They were ordered to be recalled. With your current condition, having me alone here is enough to protect you!"

This statement is very realistic, the reality is so palpable that it feels like blood being splattered everywhere!

Now, what is Zhu Yiy's situation — She has lost her child! She has lost her use value! For such a pawn, Rong Fei Wu would certainly not expend the effort to protect and serve her anymore! The reason for leaving behind a bodyguard and claiming protection for her is not because Rong Fei Wu is kind. Leaving this person behind is merely to watch her, preventing her from talking nonsense or, in a fit of rage, doing something that damages the Rong family's reputation.

Zhuoyue believed she still had hope, after all, the old man still left her someone!

She wanted to fight back, she was going to defeat Lin Meng, she was going to take that man back. Now that she didn't have a child, she could continue to satisfy Rong Ling in bed, she would still have a child! Right now, she had to avenge her child!

I want revenge!

"Get me a reporter, I want to speak, I want to speak!"

The bodyguard quietly went out and took out his phone to contact each person one by one. Rong Fei Wu had given orders, Zhuo Yiy would definitely retaliate against Lin Meng, and it was sure to cause a big commotion. He didn't need to stop it, just cooperate as much as possible. But the bodyguard's phone in his hand was suddenly snatched away. The bodyguard's eyelids jumped immediately, and his heart surged with shock. He had received special training! Even slightly capable people couldn't get close to him, how could the person who silently appeared behind him be so skilled! This kind of ghostly skill was simply terrifying!

He instantly tensed his entire body, already prepared for combat. The moment the person behind him launched an attack, he would immediately retaliate with effective moves. (..tw無彈窗廣告) But now, enemy still, I stand still. Because, once I move, it will put me at a disadvantage and make my weaknesses more exposed!

A hand landed on his shoulder. He felt it instantly and reached out, intending to grab the hand and execute a shoulder throw. But the hand was incredibly swift and powerful, beating him to the punch. It seized his hand first, controlling it firmly and pressing it down onto his shoulder.

"Don't worry!"

Behind him was a sound like ice striking, so cold it was chilling.

Very familiar!

The bodyguard instantly relaxed, showing his harmlessness. The hand that was gripping his palm also loosened its hold. The bodyguard turned, silently looking at Rong Ling, suppressing the shock in his heart!

This man's skills are terrifying! Knowing he used to be in the military, with such abilities, he would have been an exceptional talent. How could the army let someone like that go

The bodyguard hesitated, but did not show it on his face!

"No need to bother anymore!" Rong Ling said coldly, his palm tightening slightly as he effortlessly crushed the phone in his hand. "This place has nothing to do with you now. After you go back, tell my father that I've taken over that woman!"

The bodyguard glanced at the phone in Rong Ling's hand, which was almost shattered, and then thought of the woman in the house who was now in a position that wasn't worth mentioning. He nodded silently without saying a word and turned to leave.

Rong Ling beckoned, and two people from his subordinates immediately stepped forward and entered the ward where Zhu Yiyi was. A while later, Zhu Yiyi was carried out, looking limp and boneless. Her face was very pale, her pupils were slightly dilated, but strangely, a smile curved her lips, and she occasionally let out two giggles of "hehe," which made people feel a little creepy inside.

A nearby reporter, having received a notification from the bodyguard, quickly arrived just in time before Rong Ling left with Zhuo Yiyi. Seeing this, he immediately set up a camera and carefully asked, "What's wrong with Zhuo Yiyi!"

Facing the powerful aura of Rong Ling, reporters have always been too afraid to speak loudly!

Her condition is very serious and she needs to be arranged for overseas treatment as soon as possible!

"What kind of illness does she have!"

At this time, a reporter also came rushing in and interjected with a question.

“A mental illness that originates from family genetics!”

"Ah!" Both reporters were surprised, truly stunned, and couldn't utter a word.

Rong Ling today seemed to have taken some kind of medicine, he was not stingy with his words and continued, “Originally, she had that kind of illness, and she needed to be treated promptly. But unexpectedly, she became pregnant, so she couldn't be sent to those places for mental patients. She could only be watched carefully and cared for diligently. But since she became pregnant, her mental problems have become increasingly serious, and finally almost killed a person. This situation is already quite serious. Now that fate has dealt its hand, the child was also messed up by her, so she can only be sent abroad as soon as possible, hoping to cure her illness in the end!”

Rong Ling finished speaking and strode away. His two subordinates carried Zhu Yiyin behind him. The two reporters watched Zhu Yiyin pass by, seeing her disheveled appearance, looking like a madman, and hearing her eerie laughter, they both shivered involuntarily.

"This…Mr. Rong, how do you feel now that Zhu Yiy has lost her child!" Finally, the reporter gathered his courage to ask. Readers always find this kind of question more interesting, it’s a selling point, he had to ask."

"I'm sorry!" Rong Ling replied without looking back, continuing to walk forward. "But it's just regret. Because the child in her belly is not mine at all. I said she was sick, and out of friendship, I should take care of her. In my heart, I still very much hope that this new life could alleviate her condition, but unfortunately, the final result went completely against my expectations!"

"You're saying this child isn't...isn't yours!"

The reporter was astonished, then excitedly flushed red, her hand holding the camera trembling!

He was certain this would be headline news, explosive news! If he took this headline back, wouldn't the editor have to look at him with more respect Maybe he could even get promoted, maybe...

Meanwhile, another reporter had nimbly whipped out his phone and was exclaiming in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, Han Bian It's me, O-no. I just discovered some really hot news. You need to tell everyone under you to stop what they're doing and write this article ASAP. Uh, right now, you better send someone to contact the CEO of YADong, Rong Ling..."

As he said this, the reporter slapped himself on the head suddenly, realizing his own stupidity. Seeing that Rong Ling had already entered the elevator, the elevator door closed and began to descend, he hurriedly took out his phone and called his editor as quickly as possible. On the phone, he also urged the media department to get in touch with the Yidong side as soon as possible, striving to obtain the first interview rights with Rong Ling!

Both sides were busy, and soon the major newspapers and magazines in city B started a sales boom. Various comments and sighs about Zhu Yiy were overwhelming!

Recent hot topic figure - Zhuo Yiyi turned out to be crazy!

According to Zhuo Yiyi's parents, there is indeed a history of hereditary mental illness in the Zhuo family, but it is an inherited pattern that appears every other generation and has a relatively low occurrence rate. The couple expressed their disbelief that their own daughter would be affected by it!

According to a close friend of Zhu Yiyi, her behavior in daily life does exhibit symptoms of some kind of mental illness. Specifically, sometimes when she is clearly annoyed, she will quickly become enraged and then just as quickly laugh it off, acting like nothing happened. Furthermore, she puts on a very sweet and well-behaved persona in public, but behind closed doors, she has a completely different personality with violent tendencies. One friend even revealed that they witnessed Zhu Yiyi using scissors to kill a pet hamster!

It is rumored that Zhuo Yiyi exhibited symptoms of mental illness before her pregnancy. At the time, she should have been sent to a psychiatric hospital for timely treatment. However, just before they were about to send her to the hospital, she suddenly announced that she was pregnant and claimed the child belonged to Rong Ling, the president of Ya Dong Group. Rong Ling, fearing harm to the potentially healthy child in her womb, based on his friendship with Zhuo Yiyi, had no choice but to carefully arrange people to care for her and allow her to rest during her pregnancy. He also hoped that during this process, the child in her womb could alleviate Zhuo Yiyi's condition.

However, Zhu Yiy's subsequent performance was quite disappointing. She became quite hysterical and paranoid, even showing signs of delusion, inexplicably fixated on Lin Meng's son to an extreme degree. In the end, she cruelly attacked the child, almost killing him. Now, the poor child is still lying in the hospital, his mother Lin Meng practically never leaving his side.

Zoe Yi's spirit has always been unstable. This situation caused the fetus to be fragile as well. In the end, due to her carelessness, under the protection of bodyguards who were like an impenetrable wall, she tripped and fell in full view of everyone. The child was lost. Zoe Yi therefore had a mental breakdown, behaving erratically. It is said that when she first woke up, she cursed loudly, her voice so high that even the next-door ward could hear some of it. As for exactly what she cursed, the next-door ward said they weren't too sure, probably just some crazy talk!

A-dong's CEO, Rong Ling, expressed regret that Zhu Yiy couldn't keep her child and ended up in such a deranged state. After all, it was a matter between friends, Rong Ling still did his best to request the court to temporarily halt criminal prosecution against Zhu Yiyi, and he also said that he would try his best to communicate with Lin Meng, striving to gain understanding from the mother and child, withdraw the charges against Zhu Yiy, so that Zhu Yiy could receive treatment abroad with peace of mind.

It's probably a blessing for Zhuo Yiyi to have such a caring and devoted friend as the CEO of Yidong.

Prior to the publication of this article, Zhu Yilin has boarded a plane to the United States accompanied by professional medical personnel. For further updates on this development, please stay tuned for our subsequent reports!


p>Ps: Highly recommend my friend's novel, "絕色尤物".r large family, how could she not be intelligent! Even if she is elderly and frail, all those years of experience would not allow the younger generation to deceive her so easily!Kong Qi, naturally unw...