Chapter 544: Golden Shackles in Fire

ill be trapped for at least three days!But at this moment, Ginger Cloud crushed the formation stone, plunging Yue Qing into an illusionary array. His purpose, of course, wasn't to confine him for thre...Although Gingercloud had already decided to use these almost transparent runes to try and break the birthmark seal, he still went to consult the Bloodrobes first.

These glyphs, called "Dao Wen" or "Great Dao Patterns", are referred to as "Dao Wen".

The Dao pattern, as a manifestation of the Dao, represents not just one particular Dao but can be combined to encompass all Daos.

Generally, after a cultivator achieves enlightenment or enters the three realms of seeking the Dao, they will encounter a tribulation, thereby coming into contact with Dao patterns.

Even, more gifted individuals can use Dao Wen as a kind of power to cast spells!

The techniques wielded by Dao Wen were no longer simple spells, nor were they mere Taoist arts. They were now known as Dao Fa!

In short, it contains the power of Dao and the power of law.

The power of Taoism is immense, far beyond what Jiang Yun could currently fathom. Destroying a realm would be as easy as breathing for it.

However, the talismans used in casting spells are not like spiritual energy, which originates from within a cultivator's body. They come from all things in heaven and earth, readily available at one's fingertips.

"Tao follows nature" means just that.

As for someone like Jiang Yun, who is only at the Dongtian realm, to encounter a Dao tribulation is...

He even dared to snatch Dao Wen from the tribulation cloud during the tribulation, and incorporate it into his body. In any case, Blood Robe and the others had never heard of such a thing.

Therefore, they also don't know what Ginger Cloud can do with these Dao Marks now.

After hearing everyone's explanations, a wry smile couldn't help but appear on Jiang Yun's face.

"It's true, I did seize something powerful and precious, but now, myself... seems incapable of using it at all."

No matter what, since we've put in so much effort to get it, we have to give it a try!

Ginger Cloud's personality was tenacious, so she wouldn't give up on her ideas just because of explanations from Blood Robe and others.

After calming his mind, Jiang Yun's divine sense expanded infinitely, transforming into countless threads. He began to try and control these Dao patterns, forcing them towards the seal on his back.

It's a pity that even the power of the seal couldn't touch these Dao patterns. Even Jiang Yun's divine sense wouldn't be able to do so.

After several attempts, Jiang Yun could only abandon his idea of using them to break the seal. He withdrew his divine consciousness.

But, looking at these runes running wild within his own body was enough to leave him feeling a bit downhearted and unwilling.

I took these Dao patterns from the calamity at great risk, but now they are beyond my control and useless. It was all for nothing.

More importantly, these lines are now just like sparrows occupying magpies' nests, wandering freely within their own bodies.

Although I don't feel any harm for now, I can't just let them remain in my body like this forever.

Just when Jiang Yun was at a loss, a ray of Dao Wen arrived unintentionally in his life fire!


The flames surged, as if incredibly stimulated. They grew violently, blazing fiercely and enveloping the trace of a Dao pattern within their reach.

Under the searing flames, the once unruly Dao patterns fell silent and grew smaller and smaller until they vanished completely, as if burned into nothingness by the fire!

And as this wisp of meridian vanished, the other meridians, like cats smelling fish, all abruptly changed direction and surged toward Jiang Yun's life fire one after another.

To Ginger Cloud's perception, they seemed like moths flying into a fire, clearly courting their own destruction.

However, Ginger Cloud is helpless about this.

Unless one is willing to die again and extinguish their life force, there is no way to stop such a self-sacrificing act as the Dao Wen.

Finally, all the lines on its body were completely burned away by the blazing fire of destiny.

This result made even the usually composed Jiang Yun unable to help but swear.

Even, unwilling to accept it, he urged his life fire again, discovering that after burning the Dao patterns, there was no change at all. He could only confirm that this time he had truly wasted his effort for nothing.

Enraged, Jiang Yun stopped going through the Pipeline of Words and began to seriously ponder the Five Elements Dao and Chaos Power he had felt during the Dao Tribulation.

It has to be said that Dao Jie's appearance was like an excellent teacher for Jiang Yun, who had just cultivated the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Through "teaching by example", Dao Jie helped Jiang Yun gain a deeper understanding of the Way of Five Elements.

...Especially the power of earth, which emanates a sense of heaviness that can influence space, piqued his great interest. As a result, very soon, his entire mind and spirit became completely absorbed in contemplating the power of the Five Elements.

As time flew by with Gingercloud's meditation, another half month passed. However, his life flame suddenly and strangely flickered!

In that swirling, from the depths of the flaming destiny, a golden lock, no bigger than a fingernail, suddenly appeared!

And at the keyhole of that golden lock, faintly visible were the Dao patterns that had previously been burned by fire and vanished. They were now rolling out from within and flowing back into Jiang Yun's body.

The reappearance of the Dao Wen naturally woke Jiang Yun, but he was baffled and couldn't figure out what was going on.

These meridians, no longer aimlessly wandering within Jiang Yun's body as before, moved with a sense of purpose, as if guided by someone, arranging themselves in an orderly manner and flowing entirely into Jiang Yun's dantian.

Next, these lines of text transformed into snowflakes, fluttering and falling from the sky. They landed in the boundary sea and within the Hundred Thousand Mang Mountains.

Even the surface of the three physical bodies of Daoist form was scattered with traces of Dao patterns.

"This is..."

Jiang Yun was baffled by Dao Wen's actions, but there was nothing he could do about it.

For he also secretly tried again to control them, but was still unsuccessful.

Finally, when all the Dao patterns had fallen into Jiang Yun's dantian, a sudden "humming" sound rang out.

These lines, unexpectedly, trembled and lit up!

This situation lasted for almost half an hour. When the light faded, Jiang Yun's dantian returned to calm, and those Dao patterns disappeared again!

However, Jiang Yun knew that this time the Dao Wen did not disappear. Instead, it was like a brand, deeply imprinted on his dantian and integrated with everything within it, forever inseparable.


At the same time, Jiang Yun's hair fluttered without wind, and waves of powerful aura continuously emanated from his body, astonishing even Xue Pao and the others. They all looked at Jiang Yun with puzzled expressions.

Jiang Yun also slowly opened his eyes, stood up, and in his eyes, a few strands of wrinkles flashed by!

Just as he stood up, the eyes of the Blood Robe and others suddenly lost sight of Jiang Yun for a moment. In their place were countless lines!

Although it was just a fleeting moment, Jiang Yun's figure reappeared before their eyes. However, this scene caused an enormous uproar in their hearts!

At that moment, the ginger cloud gave them a feeling that it wasn't a ginger cloud at all, but — Dao!

Even more so, the aura emanating from Jiang Yun's body was one that made them, and all things in heaven and earth, desperately crave it - the aura of the Dao!

First release by Traditional Novels Websiteciated with the Jiang clan, completely and utterly, ensuring there will be no future troubles!At this very moment, beneath the earth of a certain world within the Heavenly Refining God's domain, there...