Chapter 3517: Meeting the Eldest Brother (Cultivation)

Ruitian's fall from a pig's back.After hearing Lin Xi's explanation, a smile finally appeared on Jiang Yun's face. "It seems like it was indeed a misunderstanding!"Lin Xi also smiled and nodded, sayin...Looking at Qiu Ge, who had returned to his appearance when they first met, Jiang Yun's heart was filled with no more doubt!

Of course, the arrogant cultivator he just spoke of in his story was him!

And in the story, when he was at his most desperate and ready to take his own life, it was his father, Jiang Qiuyang, who saved him.

To show gratitude to his father for saving his life, and because of his father's affectionate address as "younger brother," Qiu Ge ultimately changed his name to Jiang Qiuge.

Since Ginger Autumn Song considers himself to be Ginger Autumn Yang's brother, he naturally has to avenge Ginger Autumn Yang.

However, he was also very clear that Jiang Qiuyang's enemies were simply too powerful. Relying on him alone, with his individual strength, he couldn't do anything about it at all. Therefore, he left the territory of the thirteen major forces and came to this chaotic Yunyu region. He changed his name and appearance, becoming Qiu Ge, the shopkeeper of the乾坤 auction house!

Of course, everything he did was to develop and strengthen his own power, so that one day he could avenge Jiang Qiuyang and the entire Jiang family, thus repaying Jiang Qiuyang's life-saving grace all those years ago!

And during this process, Jiang Qiugé met Ru Meng and learned that she was a descendant of the Jiang family. She then protected her and took her in as her niece.

Now that he knows Gu Si is Jiang Yun, he's still willing to risk it all and come to the Tie family to inquire about Jiang Yun, even though he knows Gu Si is also a member of the Xun Tian lineage.

Jiang Qiuge stared intently at Jiang Yun and said, "Brother Tie Yuan, after hearing my story, can you dispel the worries in your heart Can you go and acknowledge your relatives"

Although Ginger Cloud's reason told him that all of this was just Ginger Qiuge's one-sided words.

Because in his story, the only one who had seen him was his own father.

Like ancient guns and axes, other people had no idea of his existence, making the truthfulness of the whole story impossible to verify.

But, above all emotions, Jiang Yun had already chosen to believe in Jiang Qiuge!

He was willing to believe that everything Jiang Qiuguo said was true. He was his father's brother, a person he could truly trust!

Therefore, facing Qiu Ge's question, Jiang Yun's appearance suddenly began to change, directly transforming into his true appearance. He took a step back, faced Jiang Qiugong with clasped fists, and bowed deeply: "Jiang Yun, greets his senior!"

Looking at Ginger Yun bowing to himself, Ginger Qiuge's body was as if immobilized by a spell, standing still in place.

By the time Ginger Cloud raised her head, Ginger Qiu Ge had come to her senses and burst out laughing. She took a step forward to Ginger Cloud's face, reaching out with both hands to help her up, nodding repeatedly, "Good, good, good!"

He was so excited, he couldn't even think of what to say.

And Jiang Qiuge's reaction also let Jiang Yun know that his choice was right!

Jiang Qiugé is definitely a person who values loyalty and righteousness!

However, only those who are deeply loyal and righteous can, after being saved by others, even knowing that their benefactor has lost everything and that the enemy is too powerful for them to fight, still resolutely decide to pay back the favor with everything they have.

Seeing Jiang Qiugé burst into laughter, Jiang Yún suddenly bowed deeply once more and said, "Thank you, uncle!"

A voice addressed her as "Uncle," causing a slight tremor to run through Jiang Qiuge's body. Her tiger-like eyes flashed with light, and at the same time, tears welled up within them!

To know, although he considered himself as Jiang Qiuyang's younger brother, he also knew that with his own identity and strength, he was far behind Jiang Qiuyang.

Going to call Jiang Qiuyang brother, that's beyond my reach. It was just wishful thinking on my part.

But now, with Jiang Qiuyang's son calling him "Uncle" himself, it was tantamount to acknowledging his identity, acknowledging that he was Jiang Qiuyang's brother. This finally settled the unease in his heart once and for all.

Ginger Qiuge took a deep breath, raised her hand to wipe away the tears from her eyes, and patted Ginger Yun's shoulder forcefully, saying: "Good child, good child!"

Ginger Cloud's heart was also full of emotion!

In his opinion, his father's actions of saving Jiang Qiuge and giving him the Heaven and Earth Stone back then were most likely unintentional acts of impulse.

Even, perhaps, from that point onward, his father forgot about this matter entirely, forgetting the existence of Jiang Qi'ugo.

After all, at that time, his father was already the head of the First Clan, a top-tier powerhouse on par with the Angel Exemplars and the Nine Great Heavenly Venerables.

And Qiu Ge, was merely a cultivator from an insignificant small family.

To be blunt, back then, Ginger Qiu Yang and Ginger Qiu Ge were from completely different worlds. They would have never crossed paths otherwise.

Perhaps even his father wouldn't have imagined that a whim of his would lead to the downfall of the Jiang family. Even after he fled, there was still an outsider who wholeheartedly and silently avenged him.

This is also why Ginger Cloud willingly called him "uncle."

Jiang Qiugé, is not only loyal and righteous, but also has a heart of gold and acts with unwavering integrity. His righteousness knows no bounds and he truly deserves to be his father's brother.

At last, when Jiang Qiuge's emotions calmed down, a relieved smile appeared on her face. "Look," she said, "I was so happy that I almost forgot what we were here for."

As she spoke, Ginger Qiu Ge suddenly raised her hand, pointing towards the distance. A beam of light instantly shot out from her fingertips.

And Jiang Yun also noticed that where Jiang Qiugou pointed, it was precisely the location of their hometown, Jiang Village, within the Shan Hai Realm.

But this is the primordial world of mountains and seas, there is no Ginger Village. There is only an endless primeval forest.

And as Jiang Qiugé's fingertips glowed, beams of light descended from the heavens, striking the ground and scattering countless sparks that hung suspended in the air, converging to form a luminous portal.

Next, a graceful figure emerged from the light gate. It was none other than Ru Meng!

It turns out that Ginger Autumn Song actually brought Dream along as well, just hiding her within this world.

Besides, looking at the confusion in Ru Meng's eyes, it was clear that she hadn't heard the conversation between Jiang Yun and Jiang Qiu Ge before.

This, of course, was deliberately done by Jiang Qiuge.

He came to Tie's house, originally to see Tie Ruxuan. He was also worried that if Tie Ruxuan said Jiang Yun had died and Ru Meng heard it, Ru Meng's heart would be even more anxious, so he simply made sure Ru Meng couldn't hear or see anything.

Now that it's confirmed that Gu Si is Jiang Yun, he naturally wants to let Ru Meng come out. Ru Meng and Jiang Yun are the true family.

Jiang Qiugé waved to Ru Meng and said, "Come here quickly, he really is Jiang Yun!"

Although a veil still covered her face, obscuring her features, the moment she heard Qiu Ge's words, the glimmer in her exposed eyes intensified.

However, she didn't immediately walk to Jiang Yun's face. Instead, she walked slowly, even lowering her head, and the light in her eyes turned into tension and expectation.

Clearly, she hadn't expected to meet Jiang Yun here either, so at this moment she was both excited and shocked.

Only after she finally walked to Jiang Yun's side did she raise her head and look at him, but she still didn't speak.

On the side, Jiang Qiugé gave a slight smile and said: "Now that you've all seen Jiang Yun, shouldn't you reveal your true face"

Besides, although you and Ginger Cloud are the same generation, I'm not sure who is older or younger between you two. You figure it out yourselves!

As if in a dream, she hesitated for a moment before reaching out to gently remove the veil from her face. Beneath it lay a countenance of exquisite beauty.

And looking at this face, Ginger Cloud couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

Because she had seen it before, this was exactly how she and Tie Rumen looked the first time they entered the Qiankun Auction House. It was the appearance of Yu Meng when she used the alias Yu Ting.

After revealing her appearance, Ru Meng bowed gracefully towards Jiang Yun and softly said: "I am Jiang Yutong, the seventh generation direct descendant of the Jiang clan. I have met you, elder brother!"dible speed, instantly disappearing beyond the aperture.At this moment, however, a figure suddenly appeared and struck the branch with a palm."Bang!"The branch was shaken out of the circle of light, a...