Chapter 135: Life and Death Demon Seal

shook violently, causing the entire Moriro City to tremble.Although that expert of the celestial realm didn't want to, he dared not let Jiang Yun stay in Gui Tou any longer, so he had no choice but to...Though the arrogant man didn't say it aloud, in his heart, he clearly held a dismissive view of the renowned bridge for defeating demons that was famous throughout the land, belonging to the Luo family.

Luo Lingxiao naturally understood, but he was too lazy to explain to the other party, and even if the other party wasn't from Yaoshenzong, he wouldn't bother with them at all.

However, Luo Lingxiao knew that if Jiang Yun really successfully completed this Inverse Demon Bridge today, it would definitely deal a certain blow to the Luo family's reputation.

On the contrary, the reputation of Wen Daozong would be raised by Jiang Yun.

"No matter what, we can't let him cross the Reverse Demon Bridge!" Luo Lingxiao clenched his fists silently, staring at Jiang Yun's figure who was still relentlessly advancing on the bridge.

Unknowingly, Jiang Yun had already walked the entire Nine Hundred-zhang Reverse Demon Bridge. At this moment, except for a few scales still remaining on his face, his whole body had completely recovered to its human form.

The degree to which it has been reversed into a monster remains only at 10%!

But looking at the final hundred paces before him, Jiang Yun finally stopped.

Because he had already been reminded by Bai Ze, he knew that what he was about to face was the last and most powerful technique of the Nine Techniques for Refining Demons—the Seal of Life and Death Demon!

The reason this divination is called "Life and Death" is that according to Bai Ze, this technique can both slay demons but also aid them.

Slay demons, and the demon will die. Help the demon, and the demon may live!

The Seal of Life and Death is like a double-edged sword, and the specific power it unleashes depends entirely on the mood of the demon cultivator when they cast this technique.

Besides, Ginger Cloud could also guess that the Luo family would definitely not let him pass through the Reverse Demon Bridge safely.

Even if I could withstand this last attack, the Luo family would definitely devise another scheme to secretly harm me. Therefore, these final hundred zhang are also the Luo family's last chance to deal with me.

A moment of carelessness could lead to your death within these hundred meters!

Jiang Yun silently looked into his own body. The demonic energy from the Dao Demon had been absorbed by the Refining Demon Pen for more than nine out of ten. Similarly, only about one tenth was left, firmly suppressed by the power of thunder and flesh. It couldn't have too much of an impact on him.

The Thunder Dao Body, which had always followed closely behind him, was now becoming blurry and indistinct, teetering on the brink of dissipation.

After all, the journey has been long and exhausting. The power of thunder has been greatly depleted, making it difficult to maintain my celestial form!

Although he had almost lost all his support, Jiang Yun now had no way out. He could only move forward.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yun closed his eyes slightly. When he opened them again, he stepped without hesitation into the final hundred zhang of distance.

Everyone held their breath, staring intently at Jiang Yun and the Reverse Demon Bridge.

"Boom boom boom!"

The entire Nì Yāo Bridge let out a deafening roar, and the vibrations of its structure reached an extreme point, even causing it to tilt at a large angle.

However, what surprised Ginger Cloud and all the cultivators was the absence of black runes!

To know, every time Jiang Yun stepped onto the next hundred-zhang bridge, the runes that made up the demon-restraining art would appear almost immediately and enter his body, thus slowing his walking speed.

But now, although the shaking and roaring of the bridge are extremely loud, there is no appearance of runes. Doesn't that mean that the art of refining demons will not appear

"I suppose this technique is too powerful, hence requiring time to cast. Should I just stand here and wait for the Demon Refining Art to appear, or should I walk across this Reverse Demonic Bridge first"

Now Jiang Yun has firmly memorized the eight demon-refining techniques that appeared before him, and only the last technique, Deathly Demon Seal, is left. If he gives up now, it would be a real pity.

But he must also be prepared for the worst. This life-death demon seal is invaluable, but if he can't hold on, he'll fall from the Bridge of Inverse Demons and even lose his life.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, Jiang Yun's heart had already made up his mind.

Abruptly, Jiang Yun's speed increased, like an arrow leaving the string, and he began to charge, charging the final hundred meters.

Although Gingercloud had no trace of spiritual energy within him, his powerful physical strength allowed him to advance at a decent pace.

A hundred paces away, it's gone in a blink.

As Ginger Cloud's speed increased, the hearts of all cultivators who did not belong to the Luo family quickened.

Especially the woman surnamed Xie from Yaoshenzong, she couldn't help but press her wildly beating heart with her hand.

Because the scene before them was too stimulating, it was a race against time between Jiang Yun and the bridge. They were watching to see if he would be the first to rush out of this Reversal Demon Bridge, or if the last layer of the Reversal Demon Technique on the bridge would appear first.

Only the Luo family wore a sneer and anticipation on their faces, clearly knowing what was about to happen!

Just as Ginger Cloud surged past ninety-nine zhang, with only the final zhang remaining, his figure abruptly halted.

Although Gingercloud had originally planned to stop at this distance, after all, there was only one zhang left. In his opinion, even if the Life and Death Demon Seal was powerful, he should be able to barely complete this last zhang.

But at this moment, his stop was not voluntary, but rather from a powerful force on this Reverse Demon Bridge that forcibly restrained his body, even causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Gasps of astonishment rang out once again.

On the thousand-zhang long bridge that defied demons, a black sky of runes suddenly appeared. If you looked up from below, you would see that even the heavens were completely obscured by these runes.

All the runes swiftly coalesced in mid-air into a seal of intricate complexity.

At just a glance at the seal, Jiang Yun felt a dizzy spell wash over him, his mind instantly going blank.

I can't remember this hand seal!

This was the last thought that flashed through Gingercloud's mind just before the mark of life and death descended upon her.

As the seal of life and death roared, crashing into his body, the thunderous Daoist form standing behind him crumbled instantly, dissolving completely.

And the thunder and physical power within him were instantly forced back into his two meridians.

Even Jiang Yun's consciousness at this moment had completely vanished, unaware of the specific power of this seal technique, let alone remembering it.

His demon body, now reduced to a mere tenth of its former size, once again began its frenzied charge toward the demons, reversing their advance.

20%, 30%, 40%...90%!

In just a fleeting moment, Jiang Yun was once again reversed back to being nine-tenths of a demon, and he was still rapidly transforming towards the final tenth.

At this moment, the worries of the other cultivators were nothing compared to Bai Ze's!

Jiang Yun had finally walked the distance of nine hundred and ninety-nine zhang, and he obtained a massive amount of demonic energy sufficient to break through the twelfth meridian, as well as eight demon refining techniques.

If Jiang Yun really became a demon, then everything he had done and achieved before would be for nothing!

More importantly, the fate that awaits Bai Ze is still extremely tragic.

"Come on, kid! You can do it! Keep going, you've got this!"

In Bai Ze's voice, Jiang Yun's body had been reversed to 99%!

The entire body transformed into clouds and mist, the face covered in scales, and two long horns grew from the head, resembling a dragon's head.

The only thing that remained unchanged was his pair of eyes. Although they were vacant and lost, they were human eyes!

Just at that moment, a glimmer of clarity appeared in those eyes!

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