Chapter 191: Lan Qi's Excessive Sense of Responsibility

tly between the leaves.In the midst of the mist, a clear light diffused, and the entire demonic shadow world began to rise and dissipate like a phantom.Ranch finally closed the book in his hands.The n...Chapter 220: Ranch's Excessive Sense of Responsibility

As soon as Monaster stepped through the door, he immediately looked toward the sofa in the rest area.

"Great, you two are both in the Student Council room."

Upon seeing Lanchier and Huberlian, Monaster smiled serenely.

"Is there anything we can help you with"

Ranch closed the book in his hand, placed it on the table, and looked intently at the chairman.

This semester there is only one month left. Although lately Lance has been primarily focused on preparing for his winter vacation trip to the Northern Continent, he still cares deeply about the work happening at the academy.

Just now I went to the Knights' Order to coordinate some things.

Monaster sat across from them both, as always with elegant poise, while Frey followed the Grand Master and took a seat beside him.

A dark wood coffee table stands quietly on the carpet, its edges quite soft.

Asna soon brought them two cups of coffee. The hot coffee spread a rich aroma in the cups, filling the warm room and dispelling the chill that had come in with them.

"Do you still remember the 'Fighting Spirit' team from Knight Academy"

After thanking Monaster, he sipped his coffee lightly, a tired expression crossing his face. He set the porcelain cup down and addressed Lanche and Huberlian.

"Well, of course."

Both nodded in agreement.

When they first joined the Student Council, their first task was to negotiate with the Fighting Spirit Club about demolishing a dangerous building on campus that posed a safety hazard.

It was during that job that the three of them were chased down several streets by a group of furious fighters. The life-or-death experience made the three of them close friends.

"Here's the thing—"

Monaster sighed and began to explain the situation to the two of them.

Since the demolition incident last time, the soul leader of the fighters, Tserveni, has undergone a change in mentality. She went to Lianjin Academy to study law. Currently, Tserveni is focused on her studies and has completely given up on martial arts. She no longer goes to either the Shadow Realm or the arena.


Upon hearing this, Huberly couldn't help but glance at Lanci.

The culprit is right beside her.

"Isn't that reasonable I think it makes sense. But the fighters from Alorand Royal Academy don't see it that way. They think it's ridiculous, that our fighters are cowardly and came up with an insultingly lame excuse to avoid fighting them."

Monaster continued to speak.

The purpose of this trip for the brawlers from Royal Alolan Academy was to engage in a battle of fists with the brawlers from Ecthelorian Academy, a showdown where their fighting spirits were at stake. However, with the strongest contender, Zvieni, absent, their entire journey seemed pointless.

So these Alolan fighters decided to just completely thrash the remaining members of the "Fighting Spirit" team during their agreed upon match.

If the little brothers are abused too harshly, Tsvireni will certainly lose control and jump into battle.

But her younger brothers all knew that the eldest sister was exceptionally hardworking, studying day and night without sleep, and was preparing for the bar exam recently.

They also fought hard, wanting to end the competition with their own strength and not worry their eldest sister or affect her exam.

In the end, the battle devolved into the very gruesome scene that Huberlian had witnessed on the magical screen earlier. It was so brutal that it had to be halted mid-fight.

"Master Sphinto, the headmaster of Knight's Hall, directly awarded victory to Yarlond Royal Academy. However, the fighters from Yarlond Royal Academy vehemently disagreed, insisting on seeing the competition through to its conclusion. An external force intervened midway, clearly going against the spirit of the duel."

"Personally, I think Dean Sfintos' decision was very appropriate. However, considering my task is to host the visiting academic team from the Arolon Royal Academy, I still want to take as much care as possible of the feelings of those Arolan students. So I went to negotiate with the fighters from the Arolon Royal Academy and reached an agreement."

Monaster at last let out a sigh of relief, finishing his account of what he and Frey had dealt with at the Knight's Hall.

What specific conditions

Hubberley asked curiously.

She was certain that Master Monaster would use his excellent communication and negotiation skills to reach an agreement that would satisfy even the most unreasonable fighters.

The competition will continue the day after tomorrow. If the other side wins, I will communicate with the Chain Gold Academy then and ask Ms. Tsvireni to appear and accept their fighting challenge. However, if our side wins, the other party must no longer disturb Ms. Tsvireni during her law exams.

Monastery Response.

"So that's how it is... What are the chances of winning"

Lan Qi asked concernedly.

Now that he had heard Huberlian's earlier words, he seemed to be a bit concerned about the concept of winning and losing.


Monastery's voice was resolute and swift.

Today's competition really showed the obvious gap in strength between the two sides. It was stopped because it was suspected of abuse.

The fighters, whose hearts were filled with fear and defeat after the previous bout, had no chance of winning at all.

"But what I didn't expect was... this time, the academic visiting team from Avalor Royal Academy, in a way, was quite successful. At least from the results, they have won against us three times in a row. So this time, the head professor of the Avalor Royal Academy delegation simply proposed that this team duel be used as the concluding activity for the academic exchange between our two academies."

Monaster said, his brows furrowing as he continued, "That's the real problem."

Adams won against Lance, and Colleen also won against Lance. Now the fighters' team battle is also a complete victory.

"While the Knight Academy's headmaster, Sfintos, is different from Lauren's. He sometimes shows leniency, but if someone pushes their luck, he will definitely stand his ground. So, he directly agreed to this formal duel. There will be a large-scale preheating event for it, and it is estimated that the entire city of Ikerithere will pay attention to this battle. Just now, I ran into your father, Ranchi, on the way, even he is very interested in this competition and wants to go watch it himself."

Monastere also seemed to be troubled by a series of subsequent events.

"President, are you planning on directly challenging Ms. Tsul'vieni to a duel"

Hughbert considered it for a moment, then decided to surrender gracefully. He didn't want to escalate the situation further.

At that point, if it were to degenerate into a brutally bloody fight, it would be detrimental to both the Royal Academy of Avaloran and the Iktheria Academy, potentially even becoming a very serious live-streaming accident.

She unknowingly discovered that guys like Lance, who surrendered easily, weren't so bad after all.

It's still best to prioritize harmony in all things.

Monaster now belongs to the same year as Zelveiny in the third grade of the Chain Gold Academy. It should be easy to get along with each other, and given Monaster's eloquence, persuading Zelveiny shouldn't be too difficult.

If that were the case, the efforts of the Fighting Spirit team members would be in vain. Although I want to do my best to accommodate the feelings of visiting guests, my primary responsibility is to assist students within the school. I think we should still help them, after all, the last demolition also indirectly caused the root cause of the current situation.

Monaster sighed.

From a causal standpoint, they, the students, are the real culprits.


Huperly's face darkened in an instant.

Of course she knew, the root of all evil was actually these two people around her.

Of course, the other side also put forward conditions, such as not being able to invite powerful external players from the school to stand in, and they still had to have the original members of the Fighting Spirit team on the field immediately. So things like Frey taking the stage are impossible.

Monaster again sipped his coffee, looking at Lanche and Huberlian.

But whenever I see their efforts for the sake of Tsvetlina, I feel so sorry for them. So if it's possible, I hope you can help them realize this beautiful wish and bring a perfect end to this academic visit to the Avalor Royal Academy.

Monastere knew that Lanche had some experience in the education industry, and might be good at short-term intensive training. At this point, they could only try everything.

Hubert was astonished by Monaster's request and quickly replied:

"President, think carefully..."

Before Huberly could finish her sentence, Lynch had already stood up abruptly and straightened his tie.

"I have to do this, I'll definitely show Father the spirit of our school!"

"Hurley, Executive Secretary Freya, we're leaving!"

Lan Qi glanced at the two people sitting on the sofa, and said.

This enthusiasm was terrifyingly high, for a time it was called by the names of Hubbell and Frey and creatures from the Shadow World.

The school chapter is over, and the next chapter will be about the North Continent Revival Church.

(The End)

[ ] graduated with a bloody record of victories and excellent grades, much to the Annihilation Bishop's satisfaction.Later, even the Heaven-Dominating Saintess fell to the hands of the Desolate Saint Son...