Chapter 192: How could Ranchi's Summon be so Strong?

e did they go"Skipping class to go on a date"Some students gossiped with rapt attention, while others gathered together, excitedly discussing things with gleeful expressions.Even some students who wer...Chapter 193: How could Ranchi's summon be so strong

Inside the restaurant, although time seemed to stand still because of this standoff, the rainstorm outside continued to rage.

Every flash of lightning illuminated the restaurant with a brilliant blue-white light, bathing faces in its intense glow and then plunging them back into darkness.

Then, the thunder roared like an enraged behemoth, accompanied by violent tremors that shook the windows and doors of the restaurant, reverberating through the vast interior.

A violent storm raged through the entire street. Raindrops pounded against the windows, like thousands of horses eager to break into the restaurant. The rainwater streamed down the window, blurring the outside view at times, isolating the world, leaving only them inside this restaurant.

Huberley didn't react at all, only instinctively feeling a strong sense of crisis.

Phoenix moved with incredible speed, seated at the table beside the path just passed by Huberlian.

Fengmang was searching for the most vulnerable spot on Huberlian's neck, the short sword already having come close to taking her life twice.

But just as he was about to charge into Huberlian, a heavy weight pinned him down, preventing him from moving an inch.

This is not a physical restraint, but a bone-deep chill, a warning from the depths of hell.

He unconsciously followed the source of the crisis, his gaze meeting Talya's deep, icy golden eyes.

For a fleeting moment, he seemed to glimpse the face of Death.

In her eyes, besides coldness, there was more of an unfathomable rage.

Talya's movements appeared calm and slow, but in reality, they were much faster than Phoenix'.

She gently embraced Hubleyan, pulling her to her side. Then, Talia’s fingers clamped onto the assassin's sword tip, stopping his attack with surprising force.

Phoenix could feel the aura of pressure emanating from Talia. No matter how tightly he gripped his sword hilt, it remained frozen mid-air, incapable of even a tremor.

This means that in terms of sheer power alone, they are not on the same level.

Why is Ranch's great poet so strong!

Phoenix couldn't understand how a summoned creature that had just looked like a first-order could become such a terrifying existence, like a great demon.

His heart hammered in his chest, sweat soaking his brow, his whole body trembling uncontrollably. The fear was unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life.

Suddenly, countless curses seemed to travel along the sword hilt, inflicting excruciating pain on Phoenix's every meridian while simultaneously paralyzing him, rendering him nearly a critically injured and disabled person.

This great love poet is totally off-base!!

Ranch is even more problematic!

Phoenix's terrified gaze darted from Talia, sweeping across the entire restaurant in a frantic search for an escape.

However, even taking a step seemed extremely difficult for him.

Before Talia, his movements were no different from a child's play.

Just as he wanted to struggle, he felt a powerful mental pressure surging towards him. With a brief dizziness, his entire body collapsed heavily to the ground.

That kind of force was so great that he could barely feel his own breath, like a massive anvil pressing down on his calf.

Tallia stood before him, merely raising her index finger lightly. Her expression was composed, but her eyes held a chilling gaze.

For her, stopping this rank five assassin was as easy as swatting a fly.

Phoenix had completely lost his former confidence. His face was pale, and deep fear flickered in his eyes.

The other party's strength far exceeded his imagination. The gap was like that between an ant and a giant.

"You think you can hurt her"

Every word Talya uttered was like a litany of insults.

"What on earth..."

Just as Phoenix was about to speak, a searing pain gripped his throat like a knife. He strained his vocal cords, but no sound emerged.

Talia then used her psychic magic to render him completely unconscious.

The magic effect of the big puppet theatre is thus lifted.

Everyone in the restaurant looked bewildered, glancing at each other, unsure what had just happened and why everyone had stood up.

"Hey, Miss Tatta, what just happened"

The salesgirl looked at Talia and Huberlian standing in the aisle as if she had just woken from a dream.

The thunder just now was so loud that it scared everyone.

Taliya explained calmly.

And the Phoenix on the ground had already been quickly dragged to the second-floor storage room by Talia's summoned creature.

It's usually empty there, why not borrow it from the cat boss for a day.

She's not very good at interrogations, but someone specializing in that will be here shortly to clean things up.

"Oh oh."

The salesgirl looked at the customers and agreed that it was true.

The restaurant quickly returned to normal operations, as if nothing had happened.

Talya thought back on the [Basic Etiquette] she had just tried, and found that Lance's magic was indeed quite useful.

She wasn't as unskilled as Lance. With a high affinity for spiritual magic and skill in spellcasting, she could grasp the principle of [Basic Etiquette], a first-tier spiritual magic, just by having Lance teach her. She could even release it without using magic cards.

Tallia then shook her head sharply.

Because she saw Huberlian gazing at her with adoration in his eyes.

Don't spoil the child.

"Sorry, I won't need this anymore."

Talya released Huberlia, her tone still flat and unemotional, calm yet serious.

"No, Miss Tatta, you were truly magnificent when you cast that spell. There was a regal air about you, like a queen commanding her subjects to kneel. For a moment, I even wondered if you were a noble empress."

Huperlyan shook her head, her eyes glittering with awe.

Although she had just recovered from a brief moment of shock, with Talya's protection, she wasn't afraid at all. This was a sense of security she had never felt even when her father was around.

"Is that so"

Talya remembered clearly when Lance used those two spells; he was pure Zander at the time.

Could it be that the same spell, used by different people, produces different sensations

"If you want to learn, I can teach you a few spells."

Talya looked at Huberlyan and said.

Since she is Ifatia's daughter, her magical talent must be exceptional, especially in spirit magic and curse magic.

Perhaps she is just not that good at learning human magic. Perhaps demonic magic suits her better.

Talia remembered that Lance had introduced Huberlian to a scholar who knew a bit about demonic magic. So, teaching Huberlian some basic demon magic should be no problem.

"I want to learn from you, Miss Tata."

Huperli nodded earnestly.

Talya nodded, then touched her stomach blankly.

"Let's eat first."

I've been keeping Huiberlyn company since this morning, and I haven't eaten anything yet. I'm so hungry.

(The End)

[ ]nchi's card-making process.Leave the school zone.They strolled along the silent streets of dawn, following the cobblestone path beside the Theatre of Dionysus. They crossed the stone bridge over the c...