Chapter Fourteen: Talia's Professional Judgment

won't affect the school credits or the South Continent Shadow World Management Association's calculation of his promotion points.So now he just wants to study in peace and write down the "Beast Hair P...Chapter 14: Talya's Professional Judgment

Most of the time, they would each silently gaze out the window at the scenery.


Strange and beautiful scenery flashed past my eyes on the highway.

After a day of traveling, it is now noon on the second day.

Lanci propped his chin on one hand, shifting his gaze from the window where animated landscapes blurred past to the clock ticking away on the train.

As sparse buildings and ranches began to appear, reminiscent of the outskirts of town, Ranch felt that they were getting closer to the station.

So, Tata, what do you understand the Shadow World to be like

He seemed to have finally grown tired of the scenery and turned to Tallia, posing a question.

As the most difficult randomly generated dungeon yet to be fully developed, according to his knowledge, Ranchi found countless records about the "Shadow World" in the books of this world.

It is simply the mysterious "Shadow World," far more complex than he understood. In this real world, it has completely transformed into countless dangerous dungeons.

And the academy he was about to enter, Ikteerith Academy of Magic, was originally established with the goal of "cultivating talents capable of conquering the Shadow World."

Admission exams will naturally be related.

Leaving the Shadow World untouched or failing to conquer it will result in a natural disaster occurring somewhere in the world. However, completing the challenge will grant you power and riches.

Taliya didn't move her eyes and simply replied.

Before she agreed to be Lance's teacher, no matter what questions Lance asked her about magic cards, she always responded with that attitude.

Lance nodded upon hearing this, and didn't press further.

as it is written in the book.

To the people of this world, the Shadow World is like a double-edged sword.

Completing the shadow world will grant a large number of rewards, including core materials for crafting magical cards and stronger, naturally occurring magical cards compared to those artificially manufactured.

> If a successful attack is made, the world will be saved from disaster. However, if the attack fails, it will trigger a natural disaster somewhere in the world. Leaving things as they are and exceeding a certain time limit will also cause the Shadow World to shut down automatically, leading to a disaster that consumes the present world.

Therefore, every country and major power in the world is pouring all its resources into cultivating talents who are skilled at conquering the Shadow World.

"Shadow realms...will appear without warning at fixed or random portals in this world. They are projections of fragments of world history or alternate world history."

Taliya added.

It seems that as a teacher, she would answer questions related to magic cards in a bit more detail, just a little bit.

However, they were both used to this on-demand style of communication.

"That's right..."

Lance murmured thoughtfully to himself.

The books in the Border Library record that the Shadow Worlds open periodically, endlessly numerous, with timelines and worldviews that may differ greatly. Some are light and simple, while others are extremely dangerous.

Once they enter the world of shadows, people will obtain unforeseen new identities to perform historical segments.

This means that any weapons, costumes, or ordinary magical items cannot be brought into the Shadow World.

Except—magical cards bound to the soul.

This is also the reason why magic cards have become the mainstream props of this era. They are indispensable when tackling the Shadow World.

It seems that the Shadow World and magic cards are indeed inextricably linked. Magic cards require materials sourced from the Shadow World, yet it is through magic cards that people in the mortal realm can more easily traverse the Shadow World.

I really wonder how those ancient beings in the early days of the Shadow World managed to conquer those hell dungeons without magic cards...

"Here we are."

Taliya's voice, like water droplets falling on ice, interrupted Lanqi's thoughts.

He turned his head and saw that the view outside had slowed to a standstill. It was a station with a roof made of reddish-brown bricks.

The soaring towers at either end make the entire building look majestic and imposing. The interior of the station is elaborately decorated, with marble columns, murals, and stained-glass windows all showcasing its rich history.

Unlike the border city-state of Nan Wan Tina, this king's city named Ikerite, while grand and prosperous, also retains a wealth of historical elements.

Lanche didn't hesitate. He picked up his suitcase from the luggage rack and followed Talia off the train as it pulled into the station.


Walking through the concourse of Icerte Central Station, the noise gradually faded away.

Lanch and Talia arrived at the edge of the wide plaza, hopped into a sightseeing miniature carriage, and began their new journey through this city.

The afternoon sun shone on the carriage, swaying gently, bringing with it a sense of leisure and contentment.

From afar, one can see the tulips and water lilies huddled together in the royal botanical garden. Flowers of all colors bloom like mist, lush and vibrant.

The sound of horses' hooves echoed through the ancient cobblestone streets, the wheels rumbling as they rolled. Even just leaning back in his seat, Lance could take in the unique architectural style of Iktheria: imposing houses with brick-red walls, pointed roofs, and intricate carvings that whispered of a bygone era.

A carriage passed along the winding canal, accompanied by a gentle breeze, causing ripples on the water's surface. This reflected the willows gently brushing against the water.

"How about we explore the academy together when I get there"

Lanche tilted his head and looked at Talia beside him, asking.

What do you think

Taliya questioned Lance's seemingly friendly but actually shameless invitation.

Since she had to protect Lance, she really didn't have a choice. Even after three months, she still hadn't figured out who the person trying to kill Lance was.

She only knew that what Lanqi said, "Someone wants to kill him," was true.

Along the way, the carriage passed an ancient stone bridge. The mottled beige bricks bore witness to the passage of time, and beneath the bridge, the canal water gently lapped against the stone pillars, creating a tranquil sound. Above, a flock of seagulls soared in the sky, free and graceful.

"Well, I can't help it. A trip to the academy is very important for me today."

"Lanche closed his eyes and shrugged," he said.

Unlike the Chainmail Academy and Magic Engineering Academy, which began their assessments only upon enrollment, the Knights Academy and the Wise Men's Academy actually commenced the first part of their evaluations during the application process.

...that's a property test.

If an individual's growth potential is too weak, they may not be able to participate in the formal assessment at all.

Since both the Knight Academy and the Sage Academy aim to cultivate rare talents capable of conquering advanced Shadow Worlds, entering a Shadow World poses a grave risk not only to the challenger's own life but also to their companions' survival. It also directly impacts the present world's ability to withstand celestial calamities. Therefore, entrance exams for both academies place stringent demands on candidates' practical combat skills.

After passing the first part of the property test, the formal exam, which is the second part, will activate a simulated shadow world to test students' practical coping abilities. The final assessment in the third part is arranged by the institute as a functional combat test.

After a thorough examination of the academy, Lance ultimately decided to change his application from the Jin Chain Academy to the Sage Academy, which specializes in practical legal combat.

Because his innate attributes or occupational aptitude were completely unsuitable for becoming a Mage, there was little hope he could pass the first stage of the Knight Academy.


Tallia didn't speak again.

She was very clear about the itinerary and arrangements. She had also heard from the ranch about the form of the upcoming exam that the ranch would have to face.

>...having traversed the demon realm and numerous human kingdoms throughout her long life as a lifespans, she still didn't know how to categorize Ranchi as a combat profession.

Leave this headache to the Icerite Academy.

Anyway, she won't be the one who suffers the consequences.

[ ]unique color and number, giving it the feel of an old inn.Lanche walked very slowly, looking for something.His gaze lingered on each door for a moment, finally settling on one labeled "Storage Room.""...