Chapter 772: Broken Threads

n power. I'm afraid I can't stand against him either. Maybe Brother Lu should stay with us. When facing Yuan Hao, he won't dare to act rashly."When it came to Yuan Hao, Luo Qing's face also turned ser...“You don’t have to worry about me making a move. If I were going to do something, I would have done it the moment you killed that woman just now. I wouldn’t wait until now.” Lu Xia Tian pocketed his rewards and said with a smile. Since his debut, this time getting a bargain was probably the easiest one ever.

"I wonder why your grandson has gotten himself into such danger"

The old man, upon hearing Lu Xia Tian’s words, felt a bit embarrassed at first. He handed over the woman’s storage pouch, partly because this young man with a black face seemed to have an air of mystery, making it impossible to gauge his true depth. On the other hand, the previous battle had drained both of them of a considerable amount of mana, and he did have some inclination to appease him with money. However, he hadn’t expected this young man with a black face to be so perceptive, seeing through his intentions at a glance.


But upon hearing Lu Xia Tian's question, his expression dimmed once more.

"Speaking of which, it's the unfortunate grandson of that old woman who suffered. He was close friends with a disciple of that woman and wanted to marry him. Somehow, he heard rumors about a certain 'Blue Book Iron Scroll,' said to be helpful in forming an infant soul. The woman found out and began relentlessly questioning the old woman's grandson, even plotting to murder him. It's our fault that we were both trapped in a dangerous situation for a while, our lives hanging by a thread. Seeing the old woman's grandson without any protection, she felt she could do whatever she wanted. For that illusory Blue Book Iron Scroll, she took the life of the old woman's grandson."

The old woman sighed heavily, a look of annoyance on her face. "If the two of us had escaped earlier, that woman, with fear in her heart, wouldn't have dared to act so recklessly."

"I see." Lu Xia Tian nodded and said a few comforting words, then the couple bid farewell and left.

Lu Xia tian stood with his hands clasped, his eyes still fixed on the direction the two had left. A thoughtful expression flickered across his face. He himself possessed a Qing Shu Tie Juan, containing records of such strange treasures as the Xue Yin Zao Hua Jing. It was indeed beneficial for crossing the Yuan Ying tribulation.

Here's the text translated into English, keeping only the content and HTML tags:

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It's a pity that the only thing this page of iron scroll gave me was the name "Xue Yin Zao Hua Jing". As for how to refine it and what kind of spiritual materials are needed, I don't know anything. It seems like a lot of useful information has been deliberately erased.

At first, Lu Xiaitian didn't pay much attention. After all, he wasn't sure if the Xueyin Creation Crystal was real or not. He just returned to the Lan Mo Sea Region and heard news about the Qing Shu Iron Scroll again, which made him suspicious.

It was only a small piece of news that Lu Xia Tian received before the connection was cut. This elderly couple should be unaware that their grandson had passed away. The old woman casually mentioned it, and if she knew about the Qing Shu Tie Juan matter, she definitely wouldn't have said it like this, thus unwittingly fueling Lu Xia Tian's suspicions. Knowing people with insider information are all dead, Lu Xia Tian shook his head, wind swirling beneath his feet as he charged forward, breaking through the air. He flew straight towards Fei Yun City, not far from where they were.

There aren't many teleportation arrays that can directly reach Danwang City. Even Lanming City doesn't have this convenience. Feiyuncheng is one of the few cities that does. However, Lanming City and Danwang City also have a large amount of trade in spirit herbs and elixirs. After all, the elixirs of Danwang City can almost reach the entire Lanmo Sea Region. Lanming City has flying warships that fly to Danwang City, specializing in transporting spirit herbs collected from all over, or monster spiritual materials and the like.

However, for Lu Xia Tian, the time spent on the flying warships was still a bit too long, and with so many people around, Lu Xia Tian didn't particularly enjoy this way of traveling.

A long journey of thousands of miles, in the distance, a large number of spirit ships sailed from the sea towards a huge island. Along the way, there were also many foundation-building cultivators flying on magic artifacts, or other Jindan cultivators. Some spirit ships carried spiritual herbs or monster materials that couldn't fit inside, and some were piled onto the deck. The cultivators on board were laughing and talking animatedly, holding a flask of spirit wine in their hands, discussing how dangerous this voyage was, how they had turned danger into safety, and how they finally returned with a full load.

...Some of the spirit boats were empty, with their cultivators sighing and frowning, saying nothing.

Some seem familiar, greeting each other. Others see someone who has come up empty-handed, looking dishevelled, and even sneer at them.

Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

"Damn it, that pointy-nosed bastard. Next time when I'm loaded with loot, I'll shove spirit herbs all over his face." A burly man with a thick beard at the 8th level of foundation endurance endured being taunted from a distance of a hundred meters by a slender, tall Taoist priest. He remained silent first, and only after the other party's ship moved away did he unleash his fury.

“Forget it, the villain has succeeded. Who doesn't know the title of Miserly Daoist But this old man with a hooked nose isn't just skilled in magic, he's also lucky. We're not the first to be ridiculed by him.” A bearded elder beside him comforted, “We were just unlucky this time. We ran into a large group of snake-headed demon fish. Being able to escape with our lives is already good.”


Suddenly, a flash of figures appeared, startling everyone. They were nearing Flying Cloud City now. Ordinary cultivators wouldn't dare to wreak havoc here, and demonic beasts wouldn't come so close either. Soon, the group calmed down again. Even if there were malicious cultivators, they would likely target those ships that had plundered much treasure, not bothering with them here.

"Junior Liu Yunhe, I don't know which senior you are visiting today. What can I teach you" The old man with a goat-like beard bowed to Lu Xia Tian. He glanced at the young man with a black face in front of him. It seemed surprisingly young, but being able to cultivate to the Golden Core stage could not be simply judged by appearance. Besides, he didn't know the other party's preferences. If his words were disrespectful and offended the other party, it would be troublesome.

This black-faced young man could make several people on the boat unresponsive in just a blink of an eye, only Jindan cultivators could explain it. He's far more powerful than that impertinent old Daoist priest with a hooked nose before. If they offended him, he could easily kill them all when they went out to sea in the future without breaking a sweat.

"Greetings, senior!" The bearded man on board, along with another man and two women, all bowed to Lu Xia Tian at once.

"Forgive my intrusion, I've come aboard unannounced. Please don't be offended," Lu Xia Tian said with a smile.

"Where, where, Senior, such a high-ranking person, please don't come. To be able to look upon these few of us on this ship is our honor." The big bearded Xiao Heipao hurriedly said.

“What are the rules for entering Flying Cloud City This is my first time here, and I want to teleport from Flying Cloud City to Danwang City,” Lu Xia Tian asked. Each fairy city on a giant island, as well as each sect, had its own set of rules. Although you could inquire at the city guard’s office later, it was still a bit troublesome to find out before entering the city.

“Well, it seems like this is your first time here, senior. You’ve come to the right person! I've been in this Feiyun City area for several decades. However, your arrival is a bit unfortunate. The transmission array of Feiyun City is said to have had some problems a few months ago, and many Array Masters are working day and night to repair it. For now, it's still temporarily closed off to everyone. Many people, like yourself, arrived in Feiyun City but can only wait here. There’s no other good way around it,” Xiao Heibao said.

Please: m.lvsetxt.ccue, flying warships are already considered top-tier flying artifacts. Above that, considering the limited spirit stone output of the Wang Yue cultivation world, especially after a major war, it's est...