Chapter 1415: Twelfth Rank

re were only these three portions of spirit materials. If they couldn't even make one furnace of pills, there wouldn't be much to talk about afterward."Since you are so confident, sir, I shall see for..."Cultivation has no age, this is the twelfth level!" Lu Xiaoteng looked at his palms and muttered to himself. Earlier, he was also calculating how long he had been staying in this void... 。Later, in order to survive in this void as much as possible, Lu Xia Tian had already forgotten about keeping track of time. 。His eyes were filled only with the countless, endless flames of the fire. 。When erecting the Demon Suppressing Pagoda to withstand the impact of the Fire-Stone, he quickly made time to recover the depleted Blood Qi within his body. 。Mana depleted, Blood Energy not yet recovered. 。Lu Xiaotien once again used the soul-swallowing, spirit-consuming beast of the Nascent Soul level, a white... 。Later, all the Nascent Soul level monster essences were exhausted, and Lu Xia Tian used the Purple Leaf True Womb again... 。Even when critically injured and not yet recovered, Ku Yuanlian Shi, originally a severely wounded individual, was once again manipulated by him. 。Later, Ku Yuan who practiced refining corpses was also beaten to the brink of death in this all-encompassing fiery sea. Half of his bones were broken, and Lu Xia Tiancai retracted him once again. 。The fiery wine had already been consumed and there was no time to reforge it. 。Lu Xia Tian put in every effort, squeezing out time to absorb the Huayuan Stone stalactites and using Bing Sui Yue Que sand to forge his body. 。He has been on the brink of death twice, but perhaps it was his fate that he wouldn't die. Maybe it was his persistence that kept him going. The fire and rain from the heavens become less frequent after a while, or there are short periods of respite. 。Although this intermission was extremely short, it also gave Lu Xiaoteng the most precious time to catch his breath. 。

Week after week, Lu Xia Tian had no time to consider anything more; all he could think about was persevering as much as possible.

Whether it be the body or the magical power, both have been tempered through countless trials and tribulations in this near-fanatical, stubborn insistence. 。 。Besides one's own magical power, it can store an additional ninety percent of magical power within the Rong Yuan Blood Bead. 。

His mana had grown tremendously after absorbing most of the Ice Essence Moonlit Sand. His body, constantly being injured and recovering, was advancing at an even faster pace. This time, he broke through to an unprecedented twelfth level!


The Fire Stone Rain still poured down relentlessly. Lu Xia Tian's body moved erratically within the Fire Stone Rain, not even needing his divine sense to control it intentionally. Whenever a Fire Stone hit him, Lu Xia Tian's body would instinctively dodge, his bones and muscles trembling before pushing back, dissipating the force of the Fire Stone.

After the realm was elevated, the consumption decreased by several times compared to before. 。

Previously, due to limited strength, the space was either the crushing force of the collapsing void or the dense barrage of fiery meteorites. Even with Lu Xia Tian's abilities, he couldn't travel very far.

。Now that his strength has skyrocketed, Lu Xia Tian naturally wouldn't be confined to one place any longer. He constantly unloaded the impact of the Fire Stone, beginning to explore this strange space, searching for a way out. 。"It seems like the only way is to venture into this extremely unstable region." 。After being promoted to the twelfth level of body cultivation, Lu Xiaoteng could already move freely in the rain of fiery stones. After searching for quite a while back and forth, Lu Xiaoteng discovered that this space was not infinite, but only about tens of thousands of miles wide. 。Then, a barrier blocked their way forward. 。

With a roar, Lu Xiaoteng smashed a huge stone that was hurtling towards him with a punch. Debris and flames scattered everywhere.

Lu Xia Tian stretched out his hand and grasped at empty space, grabbing a piece of rubble in his palm. 。These large and small stones are not of the same low-grade stone material. 。Some are low-grade Xuan iron ore, some are ordinary stones, or even some higher-grade Chi Luo sand ore. 。Drawing on his previous experiences in the Piaomiao Hall, Lu Xia Tian realized that the stones forming the fiery rain must originate from within the hall itself. 。"It's just that the space here is rather unstable, and under distortion, the mysterious power of spatial tearing threw these stones into this unknown space." 。But Lu Xia Tian soon had another question. Given the scale of these fiery meteor showers, with so many stones entering this space, logically speaking, this strange space should have been filled long ago. Why was it still so spacious "Perhaps finding the destination of these fire meteors is the only way to leave this space." 。Lu XiaTian's mouth twitched slightly. 。Begin continuing to explore this space, using your divine awareness to probe the whereabouts of the fiery stones. 。It's just that these falling rocks came in such a strange way, and their destination was also extremely peculiar. 。 。Six months later, Lu Xiaoteng stood aloft in the space that he had previously been unwilling to venture into, but now had to confront. It seemed extremely chaotic at first glance. 。It's called chaos because even with the naked eye, Lu Xia Tian could almost feel the obvious tearing force in that space. 。Before he ascended to the eleventh rank of cultivation, entering there would have been a sure death sentence. Lu Xiaonian was terrified and avoided it at all costs. 。Even with his greatly enhanced strength now, Lu Xia Tian would much rather not linger in this near-life forbidden zone if circumstances allowed. He only searched this strange space several times before finding the whereabouts of Huoshi 。Most likely, it was torn apart by the power of this space and returned to its ethereal form. 。Therefore, this unstable space before you is your only way out. 。

Anyway, I have to give it a try. Otherwise, I'll be trapped here sooner or later.

Lu Xia Tian gritted his teeth and took a slow step forward. 。Enter this eerie space. 。From the moment Lu Xia Tian stepped out, he immediately felt as if several sharp blades were scraping at his feet simultaneously. 。Lu Xia Tian's divine sense spread outwards, straining to feel the location of those blades and avoid their vital points. 。When unavoidable, muscles and bones simultaneously tremble to minimize damage. 。After a slight adaptation, Lu Xia Tian's other foot stepped into this area of constant tearing and merging. 。

However, Lu XiaTian still didn't dare to venture too deep. For the past few days, he only operated in the peripheral areas. The closer he got to the central area, the more densely packed the fissures generated by the spatial tearing became.

**Translation:**Greed for quick gains and rash actions can lead to a disastrous end - losing your head. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。After passing the tribulation of Huoshi, Lu Xia Tian entered this even more brutal region. 。Every time he stepped into this void, no matter how hard Lu Xia Tian resisted, the immense pain from the spatial rifts tearing through him was unavoidable. 。It's also impossible to completely avoid them. Over time, the accumulated injuries on your body will increase. 。Every time he neared his limit, Lu Xia Tian would struggle to walk back, returning to the area of the Fire Stone. 。At a snail's pace, even though he was moving at lightning speed, in this vast expanse of space. 。After returning to the area of the Firestone, Lu Xia Tian continued to use the remaining Bing Sui Yue Que Sha to forge his body. When his body had almost recovered, Lu Xia Tian repeated what he had done before and stepped into... 。So many times he repeated this, Lu Xia Tian no longer remembered how many times he had gone back and forth. 。Such a monotonous existence had become all that he lived for. 。(Sanqili Chinese) even with his understanding of the Mountain and River Dao realm, he would be suppressed like last time. If the Five Absolute Monks continued their assault, they could even refine him within the forma...