Chapter 1882: Guarding My Path of Cultivation

e mansion ahead of them, starting their treasure hunt journey.“These sights are caused by the chaos of the protective barrier’s power leaking. Right now, the barrier is at its lowest point. As long as...The immortal looked up at the vast sky and saw someone flying to the moon.

Retracting his gaze, the Daoist looked back and forth between the Lands of Calamity and the Sea of Tribulation. The first beat of the demonic drum resonated through the air, and he could already feel it: a suffocating atmosphere pressing down on this realm, encircling the Daoist sect.

At this moment, the Taoist sect has become an isolated island.

The Daoist's face was grave. He looked at Kun Dao from afar, then with a flicker of his figure, he arrived above the Shanglu Division of Tianshu Courtyard.

A procession of figures flew towards the Lu Bureau, all of them high-ranking officials from the Tianshu Academy and Dao court real people.

However, these real people can only stand on the sidelines now.

Prior to this, within the hallowed halls of governance, numerous palaces sealed for centuries and long suspected to be abandoned began to open. From within emerged venerable masters, each possessing profound cultivation and a formidable aura.

All are well-known figures from legends.

Outside the arena of governance, in temples and monasteries throughout the ten directions, there are also great masters who retreat to palaces and pavilions for quiet contemplation. Awoke by the change, they stepped out from their secluded chambers.

Jingquan Temple.

The Taoist temple is hidden in the deep mountains, shrouded in mist and clouds.

This mountain has a hundred spiritual springs, living up to its name of "Pure Spring".

The halls and pavilions within the Taoist temple are as graceful and enchanting as their surroundings, nestled amidst the trees without feeling out of place.

After the Jinguanguan Monastery, by a spring on the mountainside, there is a courtyard and a hut. Birds chirp happily, making it a very tranquil place.

On either side of the gate, there were several wooden halls. Two pretty female Taoist priests, looking to be seventeen or eighteen years old, were sitting in meditation with their legs crossed in front of the hall.

Suddenly, the door of the thatched hut opened and a figure flashed out, it was Ruquan the Real Person.


If Master Ququan had not yet recovered her cultivation, she was still stuck at the Dongxuan level. She stood in mid-air, her clothes fluttering in the wind. She glanced up at the sky, her face full of surprise, and flew towards the front of the mountain.

If the real Master Quan had not concealed his tracks, the two female Taoists outside would have been awakened. Seeing their master leave the seclusion, they didn't know the reason and hurriedly crushed the jade talismans in their hands.

Within the Taoist temple before the mountain, a streak of light immediately shot up.


At that moment, the contemporary master of Jingquan Temple, Fei Ying, greeted them. His lips parted slightly as if about to ask a question, but before he could, Ruoquan, the real person, spoke in a deep voice.

"Heaven and earth are changing, opening the ancestral temple! Quickly summon all disciples!"

The abbot dared not delay, and acted accordingly. Very soon, the disciples of Jingquan Temple gathered in the Ritual Hall. They saw Master Ruquan standing with his hands behind his back before the ancestral altar, seemingly waiting for something.

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Similar situations were playing out in various places governed by the dual administration of Daoism.

Zhong Mao Zhi Zhu Tan.

The numerous true disciples were gathered above the Ritual bestowal hall, below was the core heartland of the Ritual bestowal hall, where the true altar resided!

The Taoist landed before the main hall, and the doors swung open on their own.

The furnishings inside the hall were similar to those of the Beiji Qiexie Yuan Shulu Sifang (Northern Pole Exorcism Bureau Granting Official Position), with an identical granting official position altar inside. However, hanging behind the altar was not the image of 'Receiving Heaven's Mandate and Emulating Mother Earth' deities, but rather that of 'Gouchen Shanggong Tianhuang Emperor'.

The Taoist bowed deeply before the statue, then stepped onto the ordination platform and sat cross-legged.

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The next moment, a sphere of light sprang out from the center of the platform. The orb twisted and turned before the Taoist priest, occasionally revealing the outline of a talisman within its glow.

This is precisely the seal of Zhong Maozhi's great achievements!

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Since the Great Dharma Seal has not yet been fully realized and the Dharma Seal is not solidified, what appears before people in this world takes this form.

As the Taoist clutched a square seal in his hand, he pressed it against the light sphere, leaving behind crimson script that vanished into its depths.

The next moment, the entire Lu Talisman Bureau began to tremble violently. The dome of the Great Hall of Lu Talisman seemed to vanish as the seal imprint burst forth with a blue beam of light, shooting straight into the sky.

At the same time, Jingtan, Dutantan, Fentan under the jurisdiction of Tianshuyuan, as well as palaces and temples of various schools and sects across the land, all showed signs of response.

“I, Zhang Hai Chan, am the minister of the Nine Heavens Golden Palace and the Shangshu Ling of the Tianshu Courtyard. I now hold the seal of the Shangqing Tianshu Courtyard and order all Taoist officials in the Transmission Dao Court and all palaces and mansions to obey this decree without delay!”

“This is a time of great peril and crisis for the Celestial Gate…”

The Sound Transmission Bureau sounded the Daoist's voice, and through the Zhongmaozhi Duke Seal of Merit, it spread throughout all the legal altars within the realm.

All the true masters outside the Bureau of Investiture, and the real people and Taoists waiting at various dharma platforms throughout the land, were all solemn in expression as they listened to the True Monarch's decree.

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"Respectfully request all true disciples, defend my way!"

The last sentence, with a sudden surge in tone, moved all who heard it to their very souls. It ignited passion and courage within them.

"I obey the imperial decree!"

Outside the Bureau of Investiture, all the true men roared their assent.

Jingquan Temple.

Then, the true man of Ruquan turned and looked at his disciples behind him. Some were familiar faces, some strangers. There were those with similar realms to Master Guan, and others who had just entered the path, their cultivation still low.

Their expressions were varied, some calm and others hesitant...

“You,” raised his jade finger, pointing at the master of the hall, and then pointed at some other people.

“You stay here!”


The host was in a hurry and took a step forward, but he was stopped by the gesture of Real Master Ruquan.

If the real person of Quan raised his head lightly, a strange light flashed in his eyes. "The Shinto court has appeared, and someone should preside over the ancestral hall to wait for the imperial decree. Don't worry, there will be a place for you to use your martial arts later. Other disciples of Jingquan Guan, follow me out of the mountain to kill the enemy and protect the way!"

Hearing his master's unquestionable tone, Guan Zhu dared not argue. He could only stand aside, watching helplessly as Master Ru Quan led a group of disciples flying outside the mountain, his face full of worry.

Streams of escaping light flew out of Jingquan Guan, like a meteor shower streaking across the night sky towards the east.

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Their destination was the Dao Ting temple, the closest one to Jingquan Guan.

Small teleportation arrays are mostly located in immortal cities under the jurisdiction of Dao Ting. Most Taoist temples and palaces are built around these immortal cities.

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Firstly, it's the Dao Court's will, and secondly, the places chosen by the Dao Court are all the most suitable holy lands for cultivation.

At this very moment, if someone were to look down from the heavens, they would see the Daomen Shuangzhi shrouded in night. Countless streaks of light weave together, resembling a vast net covering the land.

These beams of light, like tributaries, converge towards the main artery.

In the center of the hall.

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The myriad stars scattered away, but some people remained, including two venerable masters.

The grand hall doors slowly closed, and after the celestial master had passed down the decree, all was silent.

Two great masters each selected some people, one heading south and the other north.

The two sides looked at each other across the conferring-ordination hall, summoning the talisman platform and leaping to the celestial banner. Other real people and Daoists surrounded the Grand Real Person, forming a battle formation and casting spells. As the Grand Real Person’s steps and hand gestures changed, the formation shifted accordingly.

From afar, it looks like two constantly shifting talismans.

The chants of the Grandmaster's scriptures echoed throughout the formation, divine talismans appearing in mid-air and striking various points on the altar.

'Boom boom boom!'

Within the hall, tremors shook relentlessly, and flashes of light erupted from all directions.

Streams of divine light converged in the sky, finally brought together by the hands of two great masters, merging into one, like a colossal magical array, suspended above the main altar.

Similar scenes also appear in Shizukuishi.

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When the Grand Master presiding over the ceremony was busy, other Grand Masters had already led the True Ones and Taoist troops to the Shifting Hall in the city.

Figures in the sky above the Grand Hall were as numerous as clouds, pressing together in an endless dark mass. Continuously, streaks of light flew from outside the city and converged here.

Even at the most perilous moments in the Daoist court, there has never been such a stunning sight.

Though it may seem chaotic, the transmission is orderly under Dao Ting's guidance.

In the dual cities of Dao Ting, located at the north and south ends, figures constantly streamed in.

If we regard this world as two pieces, one land and one sea.

The Four Walls are located at the junction of land and sea, occupying a protruding part of the land extending outwards, arranged along the coastline in a straight line.


In the north, one must confront ferocious beasts from the primal origins. In the south, dangers lurk in the depths of the sea.

Even though ferocious beasts rarely attack them proactively, the Taoist sect still prepares for a possible assault from the Ghost Country by sounding the Demonic Drum and establishing corresponding countermeasures.


Within the realm of Shuangzhi, the layout of the immortal cities at both the north and south ends concealed a profound mystery. It was precisely to prevent this very day!

The Dao Ting army marched in vast numbers toward this location. As for Huang Quan Dao, which faced the Ghost Nation directly, fewer troops were dispatched, with some even being diverted to other fronts.

The great sage of the demon clan has deployed most of its elite forces to the Great Sage Mansion, preventing the true immortals of the Dao Court from forcefully seizing the Warcry Drum.

As for the demons in Huangquan Dao, the stationed army could handle them. They needn't launch a proactive attack; they just had to form an array to block the demons, preventing them from charging into the heartland of the Dao Gate.

It's a pity that in such haste, Dao Ting could only achieve this much.

The cultivators of Mount Gui also received a decree from the True Monarch through the ancestral altar, learning that a great change was about to occur.

Due to the difficulty of balancing various affairs, they can only save themselves.

Fortunately, the demon country of Gushi also needs to protect itself, it didn't go crazy following the ghost country, and the Dao court is not completely unprepared.

Here are some hills.

He Mountain.

Yintian Palace spared no effort, opening the sect's grand formation, with masters emerging in droves.

Star Island Fairy Lake.

Both the Left Ministry of Thunder and the Right Ministry of Thunder erupted with thunder, shaking all directions.

Xun Zhenren stood alone on a mountain peak north of Shibi, behind him came the encouraging roars.

"Guard my path!"

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"Guard my path!"

The earth trembled.

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Xun Zhenren gazed north, only to see the wasteland shrouded in black clouds pressing down like a city. The night was so dense it couldn't be dispelled, and demonic energy surged into the sky. He sighed softly, a hint of worry flashing in his eyes.

At this time, a streak of light flew in from afar, landing behind Master Xun and revealing a young-looking Taoist priest.

The young Taoist bowed deeply and spoke quickly, "All the city's great formations have been activated, mutually supporting each other. All fellow Taoists have also dispersed outside the city, doing their best to guide mortals into the city, but…"

The young Taoist looked distressed and spoke with difficulty, "A beast horde is approaching. If the Ghost Fang Kingdom doesn't hesitate to use every ounce of their power to strike the Ming Yao Drum, we won't be able to bring all mortals into the Immortal City..."

"Do one's best and accept what heaven decrees."

Xun Zhenren said faintly.

This statement sounds harsh, but it is actually a helpless measure.

The incident happened suddenly, the demons had already gone all in, the Daoist sect was struggling to protect itself, how much strength did they have left to save mortals

The young Taoist's lips moved, as if he wanted to speak but held back.

Xun Zhenren noticed, frowned and said, "Hesitating and stammering, is there anything else you want to say!"

The young Daoist drew a line in the sand and knelt on one knee. "Forgive my rudeness, sir. Why haven't we seen your celestial carriage yet"

Xun Zhenren let out a cold snort, "A true immortal wouldn't act lightly!"

Before his words had faded, Master Xun suddenly felt something. He raised his head abruptly and saw two white rainbows shoot out from the Moon Palace.

Within the white rainbow, there were two sword shadows, one heading south and the other north, respectively attacking the Sea of Evil and the Field of Evil.

At this very moment, within the four realms, whether it be cultivators or demon cultivators, all could see these two sword shadows that seemed to cleave the heavens apart.

Xun Zhenren watched the sword shadow flying towards the north. The sword shadow was in mid-air, but despite his best efforts to use his footwork and eye power, he couldn't see the true form of the sword shadow.

He knew this was because the sword intent within Jian Ying was too powerful, and he couldn't help but be secretly astonished.

The sword's shadow wasn't slashing at him, it merely whooshed past from high above. He felt a tremor of fear and alarm, his entire body bristling with goosebumps.

He had once witnessed the true celestial master's actions with his own eyes. For the first time, he felt this way.

“What realm is this Zhjian Zhenjun in Could his cultivation be even higher than the two True Monarchs”

Xun Zhenren had already learned about Zhjian Zhenren from the mouth of the True Monarch, but he didn't expect this person's skill to be so amazing.


The sword shadow vanished into the air, flying into the Abyssal Plain.

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The drums in the Great Saint's Mansion of the Ghost Nation were booming, one after another, incredibly rapid.

In the depths of wickedness, roars echoed incessantly.

Countless ferocious and terrifying figures were being swept southward by the demonic clouds. The mountain peak where True Man Xun was located was directly in front of the vanguard of the beast horde.

Xun Zhenren's eyes shone brightly, his gaze piercing through the demonic clouds.

Behind the beast tide, a terrifying aura was rapidly approaching. It was a ferocious beast of the True Monarch level.

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Monks who had participated in the battle against the mountain demon would find it familiar, for it was the ferocious beast that transformed into gray lightning.

The beast was lured here by the Demon-Quelling Drum back then and was wounded by the True Master. Apparently, it didn't learn its lesson and has started causing chaos again.

Faced with a monster of the True Monarch level, even though Xun Zhenren's cultivation was only below that of a True Monarch, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He clenched his fists and watched the movement of the sword shadow intently.

Sword Shadow seemed to sense the aura of this ferocious beast, shifting slightly and flying across the air towards here.

As it flew through the sky, the sword's sharpness became apparent. By the time it reached the demonic clouds, its shadow had already left a ten-thousand-zhang sword light in the void.

The sword light slanted and slashed towards the demonic cloud.

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Wherever he passed, demonic clouds dissipated, countless ferocious beasts met their demise, powerless to resist.

The blood of beasts dyed the earth red.

The sword light split through the tide of beasts, its momentum unabated. It struck squarely in the center of the gray lightning, leaving no room for error.


A sword light, brilliant and sharp, slashed out from the center of the gray lightning, as if to pierce right through it.


A shrill scream echoed through the gray lightning.

The next moment, the gray lightning solidified, breaking into pieces, and a beast shaped like a silver carp fell from the void, screaming as it retreated backward, blood staining the sky.

Jun Zhenren's eyes widened in disbelief. A mere sword shadow, with a single strike, had wounded a true monarch-level beast.

After a single sword stroke, the roars of beasts in Nieyuan noticeably decreased.

The sword's shadow hung in the air, its blade gleaming with menace. Even the demonic clouds seemed to hesitate in their advance.

Not only that, another sword shadow flying towards the sea of sin, also slashed into the storm, harvesting countless ferocious beast lives, causing blood to dye the sea red.

On the sea, a beast resembling a savage bull was stamping its hooves restlessly and roaring at Jian Ying.

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A sword subdues the demonic clouds, a sword cuts through the tempest!

Tian Yue Shangren's true form still stood before the Nan Tian Gate, alone blocking the path of the demon saint.

The God-Slayer Blade stood proudly in the void, its divine light radiating brilliantly.

Having unleashed two sword shadows, which seemed to have consumed a great deal of his energy, Tian Yue ascended person's face turned pale. He no longer moved the Po Jun Divine Sword and instead waved his hand to summon his own natal spirit sword.



Ten thousand swords are forged, all pointing towards the five-clawed golden dragon.

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He dared to protect the Dao with his own strength!

Tianshuyuan, Department of Investiture.

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Zhang Zhenjun sat cross-legged on the conferring of talismans platform, his gaze piercing through the hall, pausing for a moment on Tian Yue Shangren's body before continuing upward.

Passing through the Divine Court, looking towards beyond the Nine Heavens.

In the depths of the starry sky, strange ripples arose. The Milky Way was shrouded in shadows, and starlight flickered erratically, as if the heavens themselves were about to shatter.


He closed his eyes and held the seal of Zhongmaozhi in both hands.


The next moment, the surrounding area of the altar was filled with thunder and lightning, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth transformed into a tide of spirits, frantically pouring into the hall of bestowing talismans. (End of Chapter)

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