Chapter 1571: The Wuxiang Immortal Sect

h:Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!Xutianlei is the鎮派至寶 (town-protecting treasure) of the Xuling School.Legend has it that even the Xu Ling School hasn't successfully...After a chase, we can basically determine the approximate location of the snow fox's den.

It is not in the center of the snowfield, but to the southwest.

In the course of the chase.

Here's the text translated into English:

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Qin Sang and the elder Yan Shan took turns attacking, causing serious damage to the terrain and leaving it unrecognizable.

The snow fox's speed showed no signs of increasing, relying entirely on its ability to flash, but the distance it could flash was limited and couldn't shake off its pursuers.




The two of them, with a brutal attitude, pounded out large holes in the stone walls between the ravines.

A thick layer of snow concealed the sounds and movements below. There was no obvious tremor on the snowy expanse, and those cold spirits continued to frolic carefree, blissfully unaware.


In the midst of the chaotic struggle, they failed to notice that some frost spirits were different from the others.

These Frost Spirits are not numerous, but they are scattered far and wide, almost covering every area of the snowy plains.

They don't look much different from normal Frostlings, just their eyes aren't as lively as normal Frostlings', and they aren't as energetic.

Like lost souls, they wandered aimlessly across the snowy plains.

Even most people would find it hard to notice the difference if they saw them.

Previously, Qin Sang and the Elder Yan Shan had been careful to conceal their auras since entering the snowy field to avoid alarming the snow foxes. They hadn't been detected by these special cold spirits.

But when they started to move, pursuing the snow fox, it was no longer possible or necessary to conceal their tracks.

In the instant their secret was revealed.

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All special ice spirits are immobilized.

As if receiving some sort of command, no matter where they were at that moment, they all turned around and stared straight at Qin Sang and the Elder Yan Shan.

Even if there was only a stone wall before them.

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This scene was very eerie, it's a pity no one saw it.

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After a brief freeze, the special Ice Spirits all moved simultaneously, charging towards that direction.

Beyond the snowfield.

In the areas affected by the snowstorm, dark clouds covered the sky, even thicker than the layer of snow below.

Though clouds hung overhead, the night was not gloomy. Moonlight, like water, spilled across their surfaces, as if falling upon a curtain with no visible edge.

> Between the dark clouds.

There was a patch of moonlight particularly bright.

To the naked eye, there's nothing different here except for the slightly brighter light. The surrounding scenery is monotonous, with dark clouds rolling like waves, stretching endlessly.

Unbeknownst to him, floating amidst the dark clouds was a piece of land.

On land, floating as light as a feather, suspended above the dark clouds, like a boat in the midst of them, anchored here, motionless.

Standing on land, one can have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

The clouds swirl around the land, and a cold wind howls, yet it cannot penetrate the land in the slightest. It is clearly evident that there is an invisible barrier surrounding the land.

The land's topography is higher in the south and lower in the north. The north is a plain, with two mountain ranges running along the edges of the landmass, converging to the south.

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Where they meet, a valley is formed, it must be the entrance.


At the entrance stood a stone tablet.

Above the title were written two ancient characters: Lu Ye!

Anyone who arrives here and sees these two characters would surely be astonished, because Luye is the legendary dojo of Lu Lao Mo, the divine cultivator who transformed into a deer!

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No wonder Luye has always been very mysterious, unknown to anyone its location, it's actually hanging in the sky!

If this person continues forward along the entrance, they will certainly be even more surprised.

Entering the plain, what greeted my eyes was a sea of blossoming flowers.

Red orange yellow green blue indigo violet.

From the northern deserts to the southern barbarian lands, and even to overseas and the western deserts, all famous flowers are available here. They bloom simultaneously regardless of the season, vying with each other in their beauty.



Some flowers are not only beautiful to look at but also possess a vibrant energy. At first glance, one can tell they are no ordinary blossoms.

San Yuan Secret Flower, Poisonous Essence Flower, Butterfly Shadow Treasure Flower, Phantom Dream Purple Jade...

A rare and precious spirit flower, a rarity in the cultivation world, grows here alongside ordinary flowers, treated merely as ornamental plants. Such extravagance! Most cultivators who witness this sight would be dumbfounded, exclaiming at the waste.

A fragrant aroma filled the air.

The spring water trickles gently.


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Amongst the flowers, there are beauties even more stunning than the blossoms themselves.

These beauties were lightly clad, with fair skin and delicate bones. Each one was a peerless beauty in the world, resembling a falling fish and a wild goose, or a moon that is ashamed to bloom. And each excelled the others.

They flitted about like butterflies among the flowers, some quietly admiring the blooms while others giggled and played together.

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Under the moonlight, this scene and this person are breathtakingly beautiful.

As if speaking with joy, a sound like silver bells suddenly rang out. It was charming and captivating, yet completely devoid of any sense of wantonness.

A young girl's face flushed pink, her eyes sparkling with a blush. Her gaze lingered on the bamboo grove and pavilion in the north of the plain, a hint of melancholy in her shy expression.


Only dozens of women who played in the flower sea.

There are still many unknown in the bamboo building.

These women were some mortals, some cultivators, and even a few who had reached the Jindan stage.


Lu Lao Mo was undoubtedly the number one figure in the Demon Dao. He acted alone, without restraint, his hands stained with blood. Countless masters had died at his hands. He had carried out brutal massacres of entire sects on more than one occasion, striking fear into the hearts of countless cultivators.

I've never heard that this demon had a fondness for women.

The breeze in Lùyě is gentle.

The bamboo rustles.

This bamboo grove is not ordinary bamboo, but a kind of spirit bamboo. Its leaves are like swords and are actually purple.


In the innermost bamboo pavilion, a stunning woman was meditating with her eyes closed.

This woman's beauty was certainly no less than that of any other beauties in the world. She wore a white palace dress, but there wasn't a shred of holiness about her. Even when she sat in meditation, the corner of her mouth seemed to hold a bewitching smile. Anyone with a weak will would be captivated by just one glance.

A red crescent moon mark adorned her brow, a stroke of genius that added another three points to her allure.

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At this time.

The woman in the court attire seemed to sense something, her eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly opened.

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Her eyes were like water, even more captivating.

The woman in palace attire pondered for a moment, her figure flashing as she vanished from the bamboo building and appeared at the edge of a circular pond deep within the bamboo grove.

The pool is not filled with clear water, but with a multicolored medicinal liquid.

The aroma of the medicine spread, forming a rainbow-like area around the pool.

This is just a placeholder for the content that will go here.

A woman in court dress appeared by the pond, her lips moving soundlessly as if speaking to someone.

A moment later.

The medicine bubbled and fizzed.

A head emerged from within, devoid of any features. Its face was smooth as a mirror, twisting slightly to face the woman in court attire directly.

Although Mingming had no eyes, the woman in court attire gave the impression of being watched, her expression tight. She quickly said a few words.

The head nodded slightly and then retracted.

The woman in the palace attire seemed to be relieved as she slightly bowed, turned around, and walked out of the bamboo grove. She followed the path in the sea of flowers towards the entrance of Luye.

As soon as she appeared, the women in the sea of flowers fell silent and stood at attention, all saying in unison,

"See Sister Yue."

In the presence of this woman, all these peerless beauties paled in comparison.

The woman in palace attire ignored them, her gaze fixed straight ahead. She walked out of Luye and scanned the surroundings. Setting her sights on a certain direction, she disappeared into the dark clouds.

Only after the woman disappeared did the other women put away their respectful expressions. They dared not show even a hint of displeasure at the palace-dressed woman's haughty demeanor, instead their eyes were filled with envy.

After the disturbance caused by a woman in palace attire, the other women's spirits were dampened.

However, there is no shortage of places to have fun here.

Apart from not being able to leave Lu Ye, whatever else they could think of, the master of Lu Ye could satisfy them.

All they had to do was maintain their perfect appearance.

Not long after.

The restriction at the entrance of Lù Yě suddenly was activated.

An old man in a black robe landed before the stone tablet, his true essence flowing, washing away the dust and grime. He stepped into Luye.

The young women saw the old man from afar.

Some stood up, while others merely glanced before continuing their work, not nearly as respectful as they had been when facing the woman in courtly attire.

The old man walked into the flower field.

A woman spoke up, "Lao Wu is back."

Wu Lao wasn't one for smiles, and seeing Lu Ye in this state still felt a bit strange to him.

However, when faced with women greeting him, Wu Lao would return each greeting, even if the other party was an ordinary person.

His gaze swept over these women who seemed untouched by the affairs of mortals. In Wu Lao's eyes, a flicker passed, whether pity or irony, it was impossible to tell.

Over the years, he has seen too much.

One after another.

I've already forgotten which batch these beauties are.

There is a snake hole in the bamboo forest.

Once these women grow old or have any flaws, the master of Luye will without hesitation throw them into a snake pit to be eaten by snakes.

Even if one possesses spiritual roots and has the talent for cultivation, if they cannot break through their realm in time, they will experience decline. Their physical body will no longer be perfect, and they will meet the same end.

They are like pets being raised in captivity. The moment they are chosen to enter Luye, their destiny is sealed.

There are few who have survived to the present day.

As this thought flashed through his mind, Lao Wu happened to pass by the snake's den in the bamboo forest. He cast a glance without making a sound and stood still, raising his voice to say, "This old slave greets you, Master."


A moment later.

In the bamboo forest, a languid voice echoed: “Old Wu is back, just in time! Come on in and talk.”

Wu Lao responded with a "Yes" and quickly walked into the bamboo forest. Arriving at the medicine pool's edge, he took out two jade boxes from his pouch and presented them forward. "Reporting to my lord, we have successfully fulfilled our mission. The Wu Shen mud and Tong Hua ancient tree fruit are here."

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A voice of surprise echoed from the pool, and two silk threads shot out, taking the jade box. "Sure enough, it's烏神泥 and 通華古樹 fruit, you've worked hard, Wu Lao! It wasn't easy to get these treasures, was it Did those people from 八景觀 and 甘露禪院 cause you any trouble"

Wu Lao replied, "They are too busy looking after themselves and haven't appeared. However, recently, many people have been using my name to loot and plunder, burning and killing everywhere, stealing treasures, and causing widespread fear in the Central Plains. This has indeed had a significant impact."

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The people in the medicine pool didn't care, "When this young master's divine skills are complete, and I refine the Three Corpse Death God Banner, it will be just right to pull them out and sacrifice them to the banner."


Then, he let out a cold snort: "The two Hualing from Bagjinguan and Ganlu Chanlin are indeed trapped in Wumeng Hall. They're quite bold! Back then, my godfather found the entrance to Wumeng Hall and observed it for a long time, but ultimately only circled the perimeter. With just the two of them, they haven't come out after two hundred years. They must have entered the deepest part, perhaps even trapped to death inside."

Wu Lao reminded, "The divine powers of the Nascent Soul stage are unpredictable. Young Master, do not overestimate yourself."

"Of course, this young master is well aware..."

More bubbles rose from the medicine pool.

This time, four heads floated out from inside.

The next three were the same as the faceless heads before, without any features, yet their faces would turn, all staring intently at Old Wu.

Before the three faceless people, there was a young man with long hair.

The young man was also peerlessly handsome, strikingly handsome, with sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, a hint of a smirk always playing on his lips, enough to satisfy all the fantasies of lovestruck girls.

As three faceless men swept past, Lao Wu's eyes narrowed in solemnity as he congratulated him: "Congratulations, young master, the divine banner is about to be completed!"

The young man chuckled, "It's a pity that my foster father only cares about ascending to immortality and ignores worldly affairs. He only left me with this! Otherwise, there would be no need for Old Wu to run around personally, and I wouldn't have to wait until now."

As he spoke, the young man moved his neck, and there was a series of "creaking" sounds from his bones.

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With a contented expression on his face, the young man said, "Old Wu's return is timely. Just now, Yue Fei sensed someone trespassing on the Snowfield. I was about to leave the pass... Old Wu, why don't you go take a look"

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"The tundra"

Wu Lao was startled at first, then he suddenly realized, "Master means the place where the suspected master of the water phase of the Wuxiang Xianmen is said to have fallen"

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“Not bad.”

The young man nodded, “Old Wu, don’t you remember When the Deer Grove moved to this area, Yuefei discovered someone skulking around in the snowfield. Unfortunately, it wasn't taken seriously at the time. This son suspects that this place is where Shui Xiang, the master of the Water Phase of the Wuxiang Immortal Sect, fell. Unfortunately, he can't decipher the secrets here. This person might be a descendant of the Wuxiang Immortal Sect. To avoid startling the snake, I let Yuefei control several cold spirits and keep Deer Grove nearby, waiting for him to appear. This person is quite patient, making this son wait for so many years.”

Old Wu frowned and said, “Legend has it that the Wuxiang Xianmen was once the hegemon of the immortal world, unparalleled. Among its five immortal halls, each one could produce cultivators who transformed into deities, possessing strength comparable to that of a super sect. Such a powerful force suddenly crumbled, with the five immortal halls disappearing without a trace. To this day, it remains an unsolved mystery. If you can find the heirlooms of the Water Phase master, Young Master will surely be even stronger!”

"What a headless case!"

The youth sneered, "The Bailing View and Ganlu Zen Temple have always kept the information about the Wuxiang Xianmen secret. I estimate they are deliberately erasing the traces of the Wuxiang Xianmen in the cultivation world. The events of that year must have their shadow! A creature with a thousand legs can still move even after death, it's not so easy to break the Wuxiang Xianmen's lineage. Those people hiding in the dark are probably already itching for action. The disappearance of the two Nascent Soul cultivators is a once-in-a-millennium opportunity, they will surely come out and cause chaos, just wait and see! Things have passed for so long, the Wuxiang Xianmen's survival or demise has nothing to do with me. I don't want to seek revenge for them either. However, what Lao Wu said is right, if the Water Phase Lord really escaped to Behuang and perished here, his body must have had a lot of treasures, maybe even other surprises!"

After a pause, the young man added, "Yue Fei said that the person was at the middle stage of Yuan Ying cultivation. Yue Fei herself might not be able to control him. Lao Wu, remember to help Yue Fei capture this person, preferably capturing his Yuan Ying. After my San Shi Mo Shen Fan is completed, he will be the first main soul. The middle stage of Yuan Ying, it's barely usable..."

Wu Lao nodded repeatedly and hurried away.

The old chat group for politics was shut down, the new group number has been posted in the bio.

Take it easy after joining the group.

Otherwise, send me in there and I'll have a reason to be castrated.


(End of Chapter)


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Let me know if you have any other translations you need!ough to the Yudan stage not long ago. Under the might of the Heavenly Tribulation, it was trembling in fear at the bottom of the lake. Sensing the aura of Emperor Liujiang, it couldn't hold back its g...